orange sponge cupcakesand my dad came back with probably a tonne of sunkist oranges… whenever someone turns up in my house with a big bag of fruits, i know what they have in mind… (just like how my maid will buy 13 nearly overly ripe bananas….) (・。・;

Recipe adapted from Nasi Lemak Lover


25g corn oil
35g fresh squeeze orange juices
3 eggs (large), cold from fridge
95g caster sugar
100g Top flour or cake flour
1/4tp fine salt
1 orange rind


orange sponge cupcakes– Mix corn oil and orange juices together, set aside
– Mix flour and salt together, sift them twice, set aside
– Remove eggs from the fridge, add into the mixing bowl, add in caster sugar, immediately beat it till pale, thick and fluffy (I use KA mixer with balloon whisk, 3mins at speed 8-9, 10mins at speed 4-5, 2mins at Speed 1-2, total time 15mins )
– With mixer running at speed 1-2, add in orange rind, add flour spoon by spoon, then add in corn oil + orange juices, do not over mix. Remove mixing bowl, use a spatula to fold the batter till well combined.Pour batter in a lined 12 holes muffin pan until 90% full. Lightly tap on countertop twice to remove air bubbles
– Bake at pre-heated oven at 170C for 25mins at middle rack

This is a very refreshing cupcake to eat… light whiff of citrus and it is very soft… i hope you love it as much as everyone in my house did (*゚ε´*)

orange sponge cupcake
Pollution index: 159 (unhealthy)


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