IMG_6246one moment no bak kwa, next moment scared bak kwa not enough… now too much bak kwa leftover from CNY ミ●﹏☉ミ oh wellz… i guess this gives me an excuse to continue with the festive mood of baking CNY goodies? 只
要心情愉快,天天都在过节,不是么? ヾ (✿>﹏ ⊙〃)ノ

Recipe adapted from Anncoo Journal 


IMG_6244125g Butter, soften
35g Icing sugar
40g small Egg
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
200g Plain flour
65g Bak Kwa, diced into small pieces


黄油 125克,软化
糖粉 35克
小鸡蛋 40克
香草精 1/2小匙
面粉 200克
肉干 65克,切小片


IMG_6242– Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy

– Add the egg and beat till well incorporated

– Add Vanilla and mix

– Add the flour and bak kwa, and mix thoroughly

– Put the dough in a plastic bag, roll it out evenly

– Refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes until firm
冷藏自少 30分钟或直到结实

– Use a dessert spoon to scrape dough into small sizes, and shape it accordingly

– Place it on a baking tray, spacing out evenly

– Bake at 180C for 16-18 minutes, or until it turned slightly brown
送入预热至 180摄氏度烤箱烤 16-18分钟或至上色即可

Personal notes/温馨小贴士:

IMG_6243– i rolled my cookie out to a 0.5 inch thickness and use a doggy cookie cutter to cut out cookies. i made 23 doggy cookies, and shaped the remaining dough into round shaped balls
我将曲奇面团擀成 0.5寸厚的面片,用了小狗形状曲奇模裁切出曲奇~做了 23片曲奇。剩余的面团既搓成小圆球

– doggy cookies were baked for 14 mins and the normal round shaped cookies were baked for 18 mins
小狗形状曲奇烤了 14分钟,小圆球的烤了 18分钟

IMG_6247hmmm…. yes, it is really addictive.. i hv to agree…. Σ(♡@﹏ @☆)ノ”…
if you haven’t made these before, you need to give it at least one shot….

Pollution index: 103 (lightly polluted)


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