i have made danish butter cookies previously but have never attempted piped butter cookies. so i’d decided to take it easy today and check this off my to-bake list ⁝(๑⑈௰⑈)◞⁝˚º꒰꒱
Recipe adapted from 是_烦
Ingredients/食材 (makes 44 3-cm cookies)
120g unsalted butter, softened
60g icing sugar
1g salt
2 egg yolk
10ml milk (original recipe was 2 tsp of lemon juice and zest of half a lemon. this recipe has been modified to be a vanilla flavoured cookie so lemon has been omitted)
seeds from 1/3 portion of vanilla pod (can replace with some vanilla essence if you do not have vanilla pod)
180g low protein flour (or cake flour), sifted
牛奶—10ml(原配方里是2小勺柠檬汁,1/2个柠檬皮屑,我改成香草口味的了, 所以没有放)
– beat softened butter till creamy and pale. add in sifted icing sugar in 2 additions, and mix till well incorporated
– add in egg yolk in a few additions, and continue to beat till batter is pale and fluffy
– scrap seeds off vanilla pod, and add into the batter above. then add in milk in 2 additions, incorporating well before adding in the next portion of milk. continue beating till batter is fluffy
豆荚剖开,刮出香草籽,放入打发的黄油中,再分2次倒入牛奶. 每次混合均匀后,在倒入剩余的牛奶,打发至于很蓬松的状态
– add in 1/3 portion of flour, and FOLD well before adding in the rest of the flour. fold in gently. please ensure you do not over mix the batter to avoid development of gluten. preheat oven to 180 degrees after batter is ready for piping
低粉事先过筛一次,先筛入1/3的粉,切拌均匀,再倒入剩余的低粉,切拌均匀. 有点没有拌匀 也是没有关系的~ 不要充分拌匀 这样容易出筋
– spoon batter into piping bag and pipe onto baking sheet (or macaron sheet). you need to ensure that cookies are piped once they are placed into the piping bag as it becomes difficult to pipe after gluten develops
装入裱花袋,均匀的挤出~收尾的时候一定要果断~面糊在拌好后,开始预热烤箱,装入裱花袋后立刻挤出造型. 因为面糊放置一段时间后,面筋开始形成,不容易造型,挤出来的样子也不美观
– bake cookies for 10 mins on 180 degrees, and then another 10 mins on 170 degrees. your cookies are ready when they are browned on the circumference and base, and lighter on the surface of cookie
180度烤10分钟~转170度10分钟. 烤出来的曲奇,应该是周围一圈颜色略深~中间略浅一点~底子的颜色和周围一圈差不多
– allow cookies to cool completely before storing them in air tight container
Personal notes:
– i also piped my cookies on macaron sheet, but piped a semi circle, finishing off with a push on the end of one side of the semi-circle (such that it resembled a wishing star)
– i removed a bit of the batter, and added a heaped tablespoon of sifted flour into it. then i rolled it out, and cut out shapes of a kitty’s face
– a pinch-ful of batter is then mixed with dark cocoa powder, and piped onto the kitty’s face as whiskers, and nose. eyes are black nonpareils
– after cookies have been baked, i attached the kitty’s face onto the cookie with melted dark chocolate. a bit of chocolate is then piped onto kitty’s neck (to be the collar), and honeycomb bits are then affixed onto the chocolate collar
i enjoy having fun with my food… don’t you? ( /)u( )
Pollution index: 182 (unhealthy)
虽然不是 Hello Kitty,但是这个猫猫还是把我引过来了!
I always love butter cookies….they are addictive. Love how you pipe it out so nicely.
That\’s so cute.. you always make even the most ordinary cookies look so enticing 🙂
Meow meow meow! Another creative creation. An ordinary butter cookie recipe has now looked so special because of you!
你真的好神奇啊, 猫儿都来到你家了! 呵呵
好像波斯猫^^ 好可爱!
Hi Victoria,
You even made regular butter cookies looks so cute! 🙂