thanks to everyone,.. for your lovely birthday wishes on my blog and Facebook…
ok ok.. let me admit.. i am much more than 30.. wuahahahahha.. and i mean MUCH more *grin*
ANYWAYZ… back to beijing after the 2 days away..
when i saw chef kevin chai post this recipe on Facebook, i immediately wrote it down…
this is a very nice cake… mildly and pleasantly sweet with a subtle hint of coffee
老实话。。我比30还30.。。 不只30咯。。。可说,就4张啦。。呵呵
ANYWAYZ… 两天的生日假期,就这样过去了。。。回到北京。。。
kevin chai 大师在面书分享这食谱时,对我来说可说是情有独钟
(•́ ॣ·̫ ॣ•̀,)՞
Ingredients (makes a 7 inch square cake)
250g unsalted butter
180g caster sugar
3 eggs
60ml fresh milk
250g flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp instant coffee powder mixed in 1 tsp of water (set aside)
50g chopped walnuts
无盐黄油 250克
绵白糖 180克
鸡蛋 3颗
面粉 250克
泡打粉 1/4小匙
即溶咖啡粉 1大匙 融入于1小匙水 (待用)
核桃仁 50克(切碎)
– preheat oven to 180 degrees C. beat butter and sugar till pale and fluffy. add in eggs one at a time, incorporating well after each addition
– add in milk
– fold in sifted flour & baking powder in a few additions till there are no more lumps
– divide batter into 2 portions. add coffee mixture and walnuts into one portion and mix well
– spread half portion of original batter into greased and lined pan. bake for 15 mins, then remove from oven and allow to cool slightly. spread half portion of coffee batter and bake for another 15 mins. repeat process for the rest of the batter, baking the last layer for 15-20 mins * mine was baked for 20 mins
将半份原面糊倒入涂抹了黄油并铺上烘焙纸的烤盘。烤15分钟,取出,稍微冷却后,倒入半份咖啡面糊。再次烤15分钟。如此重复直到面糊用完为止。最后一层烘焙约15-20分钟 *我的烤了 20分钟
embosser is from 精雕印章
This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (August 2014, Flour, organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids and Mui Mui from my little favourite DIY hosted by Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe
Pollution index: hmm…. index not working.. must be really bad pollution
蛋糕香漂到我这了 :)
You bet….this is the cake for me….buttery with some coffee flavour in it. Love it….love it….love it…. but give me some time to try this out.
Happy belated birthday dear~
Hi after baking the cake do i just use the embosser to stamp on the cake to make the \’print\’? Thanks.
Hi, yes, emboss after the cake is baked
美丽貌美的亲亲, 你哪像4张, 最多3张都有剩余呢!
快快切一片来, 最大片的哦! 嘻嘻
Hi Victoria, lovely buttery coffee cake. Wish I could have a yummy slice for my brekkie now ^-^!
Happy belated birthday!
Would love a slice of this cake….:)
Hi Victoria, you have many cute and adorable embrossers! They make thecake look more prettier!
Chef Kevin chai coffee cake always win my heart! yummy!
Hi Victoria, Happy Belated Birthday. These cakes are so those imprints.
Again, I can only say AMAZING!! So sweeeeeeeeee!
Hi Victoria,
You always have very interesting baking idea and baking tools! These cake look amazing!