IMG_7791…and i’m finally home
A fast and simple recipe that help to clear the kitchen cabinet…
。。。 终于回家啦。。。

Recipe adapted & translated from Allie’s private paradise

Ingredients (makes a 6 inch round cake)

3 eggs, room temperature
50g sugar
100g low protein flour
fish floss as appropriate

IMG_7789食材 (可做一个6寸圆形蛋糕)

鸡蛋 3颗 (室溫)
砂糖 50克
低筋粉 100克
鱼肉松 適量


IMG_7792– sift flour twice and set aside

  • add sugar to eggs and beat with electric whisk over a pot of simmering water till pale and fluffy

  • fold flour into egg batter carefully in 2-3 additions

  • pour half of the batter into baking pan, and steam over medium-high heat for 5 mins

  • remove pan from steamer, and spread a layer of fish floss on cake. then pour the remaining batter on top of the floss. place back to steamer and continue to steam over high heat for 15 mins
    约5分钟后,铺一层鱼松,再把剩下的面糊倒入模內,面层撒少许鱼松, 放回锅中,大火蒸约15分钟

Personal notes/温馨小贴士:

IMG_7790– grease and line baking pan before use

  • i used pork floss instead of fish floss. my eggs weighed 180g in total
    我用了肉松替代鱼松。3颗鸡蛋鸡蛋净重为 180克

  • this is my second cake ~ for the first cake, i steamed according to instructions and had a hard cake.. i presume, the heat and time did not work for me. so, I remade this second one and it was fluffy ~ first layer, to steam on low heat for 5 mins, and then at medium heat for 15 mins for the final layer
    这蛋糕是第二次成品 ~ 第一次,依照以上指示,蛋糕硬邦邦。。从新再来 ~ 做了第二次~ 第一层以小火蒸5分钟,最后上层以中火蒸15分钟。蛋糕松软。。。满意!


Pollution index: 155 (unhealthy)


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