IMG_8322what time is it?
the linky for this month’s Best Recipes #6: My Homemade cookies is now open… so it’s time to link up and join us in the fun
这期的最棒食谱 #6 の我的拿手曲奇饼干链接已开放。。


cappuccino cookie cup dough (makes 3 big cookie cups)
42g hot water
1/2 tbsp instant coffee granules
113.5g butter, softened
80g sugar
1/2 egg
1/2 tsp coffee oil (feel free to substitute with coffee or vanilla extract)
250g cake flour
1/8 tsp baking powder

coffee pudding
25g sugar
2 tbsp cake flour
pinch of salt
200 ml strong coffee, cooled
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten
1 tsp chocolate extract (feel free to substitute with vanilla extract)
60ml whipping cream, whipped till stiff peak

IMG_8320食材(可做 3个曲奇杯子)

热水 42克
即溶咖啡粉 1/2大匙
黄油 113.5克,软化
糖 80克
鸡蛋 半颗
咖啡油 1/2小匙(可用咖啡香精或香草精替代)
蛋糕粉 250克
泡打粉 1/8小匙

糖 25克
蛋糕粉 2大匙
盐 一小撮
浓咖啡 200毫升,微凉
蛋黄 1颗,略打散
巧克力香精 1小匙(可用香草精替代)
淡奶油 60毫升,打至硬性状


IMG_8323cappuccino cookie cup/卡布奇诺曲奇杯
– stir coffee oil into egg and set aside

– dissolve coffee granules into hot water

– cream butter, sugar and egg till creamy. add in coffee until well mixed

– add in flour and baking powder and stir on low speed till a soft dough comes together

– turn dough out and roll between 2 sheets of cling wrap into a 0.5cm thick sheet
面团摆放在保鲜膜之间、擀成 0.5厘米厚度的面皮

– chill for 1 hour
冷藏 1小时

IMG_8305prepare moulds. i used a 7cm round biscuit cutter (for cookie cup’s base) and dariole mould. wrap entire dariole mould with aluminium foil
准备模子。我用了 7厘米圆形饼干模(用于裁切杯子底部的面皮),和铝制布丁杯。布丁杯事先用锡纸包好

IMG_8307cut out strips of dough for cookie cup ( I used a cupcake wrapper as a guide for cutting out the strips), and use biscuit cutter to cut out round bases I used a cupcake wrapper as a guide for cutting out the strips

IMG_8309cover base with a piece of dough, and press the sides flat against the mould

IMG_8311wrap dough strip around the mould and seal the bottom and base well. imprint desired patterns onto dough

IMG_8312cut out cup handles using oval shaped fluted cutter and a small round biscuit cutter

IMG_8313trim off uneven ends. you can roll out the remaining dough and cut out cookies if desired. chill cookie cups and handles for 30 mins
将两端不规则面团切除。剩余的面团可再次擀开,用心意的饼干模具切出曲奇。曲奇杯子和把手冷藏 30分钟

– bake cookies in preheated oven of 175 degrees C (with cookie cup’s base facing upwards). handles may be done within 8-10 mins, remove from oven when the sides start to brown. cookie cups take longer. depending on the sizes you are making, it can take anywhere between 30-45mins. once the cookie base browns, turn the cookie cups over, cover with foil and continue baking. i baked my cups for 40 mins
送入预热至 175摄氏度烤箱(曲奇杯子底部朝上)。把手烘焙时间约 8-10分钟,或烤至边缘边金黄色即可出炉。曲奇杯子烘焙时间较长。以大小为准,烘焙时间可在 30-45分钟。底部上色后,可将其翻转,并盖上锡纸继续烘烤。我的杯子烤了 40分钟

– remove cookies from oven and moulds from cookie cups. best way is to individually remove the mould, then peel off the foil. be careful, as the cookie maybe fragile

IMG_8316assemble cookie cup: use a knife to scrap both ends of cup handle

IMG_8318apply melted chocolate (or a better way of describing is half melted) on both ends with a toothpick. as you can see, the chocolate is not melted to the extent that it drips. if so, it will be difficult to stick the handle to the cup

IMG_8319attach handle to cup and chill cookie cup

– meantime, prepare coffee pudding. mix sugar, flour and salt in a saucepan. pour in coffee and mix till smooth. cook over medium high heat, stirring constantly till mixture thickens and bubbles lightly. turn to low heat and continuing cooking and stirring for 2 mins
曲奇杯子冷藏当儿准备咖啡布丁。糖、面粉和盐混合于奶锅中。倒入咖啡液,拌至无颗粒。以中大火煮至稍微气泡后转小火继续煮 2分钟。中间不停搅拌

  • stir some hot coffee mixture into the egg yolk, then pour it back into the saucepan and bring to a slow boil. cook and stir constantly for 2 mins then remove from heat. stir in chocolate extract. cover a piece of cling wrap directly on top of custard and set aside to cool

  • fold in whipped cream and pour into cookie cups and serve


I am submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by me, Victoria Bakes
I hope that all bloggers will participate in this event and recommend your most popular cookies recipes to everyone
so start linking up your best cookie recipes on 15th January 2015 by clicking on the link below to participate in
BREE #6 ~ Jan~Feb 15 My Homemade Cookies

What you need to do is/参与规则:

Best_Recipes– Every post must display the BEST RECIPES badge along with it (see above) and linked back to organizer Fion of XuanHom’s Mom, and co-host Victoria Bakes
Example: I’m submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade Cookies organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Victoria Bakes
参与的贴子都需附上最棒食谱的徽章, 并将贴子链接回东道主 XuanHom’s Mom 家的Fion和协办之主Victoria Bakes
例如:我将把此贴子链接于东道主 XuanHom’s Mom 家的Fion和协办之主Victoria Bakes主办的 “一至二月份最棒食谱の我的拿手曲奇饼干”

– This event is open to all bloggers around the world and you can submit as many posts you want

– Most importantly, the post has to be current and needs to match with the THEME of the month

– All participating post must be your own bake/dish. If you are using a recipe from a book or website, please mention the title and author of the book or link of the website


Pollution index: 304 (severely polluted… how to breathe??)


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