IMG_8567after dear esther made this cake, i was totally mesmerised.. and then i realised i’d also bookmarked the same from blue little kitchen and mui mui (the original recipe contributor)…so here’s mine
网上看见 esther 家的作品后,傻了眼。。美。。然后。。更傻了眼 ~发现原来较早前既然也在蓝色小厨和 mui mui 家(原食谱贡献者)也收藏了同样的食谱。。。它。。既然被偶埋藏到清单的深、深、深处。。。

Recipe adapted from the above friends, with modifications

Ingredients (i used a 6 inch square pan, with removable base)

227g butter

5 eggs

125g condensed milk
125g kaya

135g cake flour
100g horlicks

(E) mix the following together and set aside
3 tsp instant coffee powder
1 tsp cocoa powder
1.5 tbsp warm water


黄油 227克

鸡蛋 5颗

炼奶 125克
咖椰 125克

蛋糕粉 135克
好力克 100克

即溶咖啡粉 3小匙
可可粉 1小匙
温水 1.5大匙


IMG_8572– grease pan and line bottom with parchment paper

– beat A till pale and fluffy. add in B, one egg at a time and blend well
将 A打至发白、蓬松。加入 B。鸡蛋每加入一颗拌匀后再加入下一颗

– add in C and D, beat till well combined
拌入 C和 D,拌匀

– divide batter into two portions. add (E) into one portion, and keep the other plain

– alternate batter into pan (c. 140g per layer) and steam each layer on high heat for 8-9 mins (most importantly is for the top to firm up before adding a next layer). do not steam for too long as the surface will wrinkle up and cause uneven layers
面糊以交替方式,轮流倒入烤盘以大火蒸 8-9分钟(每层约 140克~最主要是加入下一层面糊时,之前那层不应该是湿答答滴)。注:每层不可蒸太长时间,否则顶部会起皱纹


This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up: Cocoa organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe, Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Grace from Life can be simple at this post

little thumbs upand

Cook and Celebrate: CNY 2015 organised by Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe, Bake for Happy Kids 

cook and celebrate cny


Pollution index: 335 (severely polluted)


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