Recipe adapted from 爱美的家 with modifications
Ingredients (makes 13 buns)
starter dough
120g high protein flour
16g sugar
4g instant dry yeast
70g water
main dough
280g high protein flour
88g sugar
40g egg
15g butter
4g salt
140g water (please adjust accordingly to flour’s water absorption capability and humidity of environment)
高粉 120克
糖 16克
酵母 4克
水 70克
高粉 280 克
糖 88克
鸡蛋 40克
黄油 15克
盐 4克
水 140 克 (水份根据自家面粉吸水量以及天气潮湿情况酌量增减)
– prepare starter dough: sift flour. add sugar (from starter dough ingredients) to flour. dissolve yeast in water. mix all ingredients together and knead into a dough. leave in a warm environment to proof
- when the centre and side of the dough forms a horizontal line in the bowl (and dough has a slightly sunken centre), this shows that the starter dough has completed its proofing process
面团的顶部与两边齐平,中央部分稍有下陷时既代表酵种发酵成熟完成 -
tear starter dough into small pieces, and mix it briefly with all main dough ingredients (except FLOUR and butter). add in flour and once you get a dough, incorporate butter. continue kneading till window pane stage
将发好的酵种取出撕成小块先和主面中除高粉和黄油以外的材料混合搅拌几下之后,加主面中的高粉搅拌成团后加黄油,搅拌至面筋扩展状态 -
shape dough into a ball and allow to proof in a warm environment till twice the original size
搅拌好的面团收圆,放入温暖处发酵约2倍大小 -
remove proofed dough, and revert the dough. place it back into the greased bowl and allow to proof for another 30 mins (this step is usually not included when we prepare starter dough bread)
发酵好的面团取出翻面再放入面包桶中再发大约半小时(这个步奏和我们平时操作带酵种的面团不太一样) -
punch dough down, and divide into 60g portions. shape into ball and rest for 10 mins
取出排气分割每只60克,滚圆盖鲜膜松弛10分钟 -
shape dough into a ball once again, and place into baking pan
松驰好的面团再次滚圆,放入烤盘中 -
place in warm and humid environment and proof till double in size. bake in preheated oven of 200 degrees C for 20 mins
放于温暖潮湿处发至2倍大小后入预热好的烤箱 200度 20分钟即可
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
– as beijing is unusually dry this spring i made the following adjustments to the main dough: i used 250g very strong bread flour, and used one whole egg (c. 49g)
因北京这春天特干燥,我在主面团做了以下调整:用了 250克特强面包粉,并用了一整颗鸡蛋(约 49克)
- all sugar in the ingredients have been substituted with trehalose. sugar portion in main dough has been reduced to 50g trehalose
所有食材的糖份我都用了海藻糖替代。主面团的糖份我用了50克海藻糖 -
i made nine 77g buns, and baked it in an 8 x 8 inch square pan
我做了 9个 77克餐包,用了 8 x 8 寸方形模作为烤盘
Pollution index: foggggyyy in hong kong
Oh boy another one of your highly recommended recipe. Must try, must try! It does look very soft and fluffy. my kind of bread. Thank you very much Victoria.
喜欢这样软又绵的小面包,给妳大大大个赞啦 ^^
Hi Victoria, You\’re not only the bread queen but also very creative. I always amazed how you drew those wordings and cartoons on your bakes. 真的很了不起!
面包, 面包。。。我来也!嘻嘻。。
这强力推荐的面包, 配上一杯咖啡, 太美妙了。。亲的咖啡好了吗?
Hi Victoria, I have been reading your blog for a long while now and I love how you create pictures, or write words on your foods! Can I ask how do you do them?
Hello Kei, thanks for your support.
For drawing on bread, you can refer to personal notes in this post
For drawing on batter, please refer to this post
Hope this helps
Hi, can you show a picture of your mould for the imprints? How much and where did you get them?
Hi, those are not embosser imprints. They are hand drawn. You can refer to the personal notes in this post on drawing of bread
Hope this helps
Hi! may i know how long for the dough to has a slightly sunken centre?
Hi, this depends on the temperature of your kitchen. In cool weather like mine now, it can take up to 3 hours under natural proofing I.e. Without placing in a warm oven. In a warm environment, may be 1.5 to 2. It\’s really difficult to nail a time, but you will know when it\’s ready
Hi. May I know how long will the starter dough need to reach the desired stage? I am in singapore.
Appreciate your kind advice.
Hi Hazel, I can\’t comment on this as I don\’t have experience making this in SG yet. That\’s the reason why I provided the guideline to determining a proofed starter dough. hope you can find that helpful
No worries. I have used biga method before which recommends 12-24 hours to develop a deep flavour. Will try this one out real soon.
Hi Victoria, I love this recipe result very much. I love the flavour better compare to killer soft bread. Another keeper recipe from you. I have shared the result kn instagram and tagged you. Thank you again.