chocolate milk recipe adapted from Carol with modifications
350ml milk
85g dark chocolate chips
cheesecake recipe credited to Facebook member May Chong (with modifications)
Ingredients (makes an 8 inch round cake)
400g chocolate milk
250g cream cheese
50g cake flour, sifted
5 egg yolk
5 egg white
70g caster sugar
牛奶 350毫升
黑巧克力豆 85克
奶酪蛋糕食材(可做一个 8寸圆形蛋糕)
巧克力牛奶 400克
奶油奶酪 250克
蛋糕粉 50克,过筛
蛋黄 5颗
蛋白 5颗
绵白糖 70克
– bring milk to a rolling boil and add to chocolate chips. stir till all chips are melted. weigh out 400g, set aside to cool
牛奶煮至沸腾,加入巧克力豆。搅拌至巧克力完全融化。量出 400克、待凉备用
– preheat oven to 180 degrees and grease an 8 inch baking pan (both bottom and sides). line bottom with baking paper, and flour the sides of the pan (if you are using a removable base pan ~ which is not preferred, ensure you wrap the bottom of the pan with 2 layers of foil)
– cut cream cheese into cube, and place into a bowl with chocolate milk over a pot of simmering water. stir till cream cheese melts totally
– remove from simmering water and sift in flour in 3 additions. stir till there are no more lumps
离火,面粉分 3次加入。叫拌至无颗粒
– add in egg yolk one at a time, mixing well before adding the next egg yolk. sift batter and set aside
– add sugar to egg white in 3 additions, and beat till stiff and shiny peak
糖分 3次加入蛋白,打至湿润、硬性状并带小勾
– fold in egg white meringue into egg yolk batter in 3 additions
蛋白霜分 3次翻拌入蛋黄糊
– pour batter into pan and knock on the bench a few times to remove excess air bubbles
– bake on second lowest rack of oven, water bath method at 180 degrees C for 20 mins, and another 40-50 mins at 150 degrees C ( i baked for another 54 mins)
送入倒数第二层烤箱,水浴发,以 180摄氏度烤 20分钟后,降温至 150摄氏度,继续烤 40-50分钟 (我烤了 54分钟)
– allow cake to cool slightly after removing from oven. then shake the pan slightly to release the cake from the sides. invert cake on a piece of baking paper, and revert back up immediately on serving plate. chill for at least 4 hours before slicing and serving
出炉晾凉,轻轻晃动模具使四周脱模,倒扣在一张油纸上,再扣到盘中。切蛋糕前先将蛋糕冷藏自少 4小时在切片
Pollution index: raining in hong kong
亲亲的巧手总是那般的巧妙, 每一副画都是那么的神奇!
好久没吃芝士蛋糕了, 今天无论如何都要吃一块了, 呵呵!
This is adorable, and it looks so tasty too!
哈哈。。 朋友,您不只是烘焙师,也是画画老师呢。。 好棒。