IMG_8865recipe adapted from here with changes noted in personal notes below

Personal notes/温馨小贴士:

IMG_8864– i halved the recipe and made 13 mini tarts (diameter 5.5cm)
这次做了半份食谱,做了 13个迷你蛋挞仔 (模子直径为 5.5厘米)

– if making half recipe, replace 125ml milk with 125ml diluted coconut milk + 1.5 tsp homemade pandan extract
如做半份食谱的量,请将 125毫升牛奶以 125毫升稀椰浆+1.5 小匙自制班兰香精替代

– replace vanilla extract with 1/4 tsp vanilla extract & 1/4 tsp coconut extract
香草精以 1/4 小匙香草精+1/4 小匙椰子香精替代

– this time, i sieved the mixture 3x and filled my tarts to the brim. i baked the tarts for 18 mins in preheated oven of 200 degrees (NON-fan mode), top bottom heat and then another 6 mins with bottom heat to cook the custard
这次我将蛋糊过筛三次后倒至饼皮顶部,并以预热至 200摄氏度烤箱 (非风扇模式)、上下火烤 18分钟,再转下火继续烤 6分钟将卡仕达烤熟

– this tart is easy to unmould but if you encounter challenges when unmoulding, just knock on the mould using a spoon. the tart will slip out easily

IMG_8868IMG_8870 i am submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Theme: Desserts by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young



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