as zoe rightly put it, this “cheat” version (which omits the lamination process) yields pretty much a croissant..
except that it doesn’t have that desired flaky interior
regardless, it truly makes baking croissants much easier..
i gave these away to the migrant community.. and the feedback was “marvellous”!
do give it a go..
please refer to this link for traditional croissant recipe
想制作传统可颂,请参考此mini croissant
recipe source/食谱取自于: bake for happy kids
* for english recipe/instruction, please hop over to Zoe’s site
** please refer to my personal notes below as well
食材(可做 8-10个小形或 6个大形可颂)
强力面包粉 250克
无盐黄油 (冷)150克,切丁
温奶 120毫升
白糖 50克
即溶干酵母 7克
盐 1/2小匙
蛋黄 1颗+1大匙牛奶(混合)
*其实这简易版食谱无需将面团擀得那么幸苦~ 但很多网友都问我有木有三折图解,所以借此机会老老实实拍出一套哈。简易发,可参考原食谱链接(见上)
-将面团挪至撒了面粉的案板上,轻柔数下(无需过度搅拌。成团既可)、形成四方形的面团。用保鲜膜裹上、冷冻三十分钟或冷藏自少两小时(我将面团冷藏两小时 ~趁机锻炼去)
(a) 案板和擀面杖撒上面粉,将面团略擀成长方形
(c) 面团逆时方向转 90度
以上(a) 至 (d) 步骤重复多三次(共五次)
面皮分割成长 30厘米、宽 8厘米的三角形。每个三角形正中央切道小缝。多余的面团可重叠、擀出、并重新整形
-烤箱预热至 230摄氏度。可颂刷上蛋液,送入烤箱烤 10 分钟或至上色后,降温至 190摄氏度继续烤 5-10分钟
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
– my room temperature was 25 degrees C when proofing the croissant
我家室温在发酵可颂时为 25摄氏度
– i baked my croissants for 230 degrees C for 6 mins, then tented it with foil immediately (as it browned really quickly) and turned down the temperature to 190 degrees C and baked for another 6 mins
我的可颂用了 230摄氏度烤了 6分钟,立马盖上锡纸(上色得太快了)并降温至 190摄氏度,继续烤了 6分钟
i am submitting this post to Bake Along #80: Croissant
好吃好吃。。。我看了也很想吃, 怎么好呀! 嘻嘻。。
谢谢你详细的说明, 有机会一定会试试!
love your croissants Victoria … can I have one please ?
Hi Victoria. Can I replace the active dry yeast with instant yeast and of OK is the amount the same. Thanks . these croissants look so good.
Hi Chloe, my opinion is u can and reduce the instant dry yeast by 20 percent, n skip the activation of yeast in the milk.
But i suggest that this question be directed to zoe at her blog directly as the recipe was adapted from her. I may not be right in this instance.
Thanks Victoria. I guess I should follow both you and Zoe and use active dry yeast just to be safe and besides this is challenging for me. Thanks.
hi victoria, i just saw zoe\’s post on this moment ago..yes, definately much more easier and no messy work and yet be able to produce these delicious wonderful looking croissants!
Hi Victoria,
I\’m very happy to see that you have baked and liked these no-so-fussy croissants. \”No meltdown or tears\” shaping these, right??? 😀
Hi Victoria,
Lovely croissants! Definitely fuss-free and \”frustration-free\”! I love the look of the really brown crust!
Thanks for baking along with us!
Hi Victoria, I saw an earlier post on steam milo nestum cake which I am very interested to try. There is no mention of when/how to combine the butter mixture with the egg and sugar mixture. The post is in Nov 2015
Wendy hi, thanks for looking out. I have updated the instructions accordingly
Thank you Victoria.