my recent trip to Hong Kong had been fruitful… got lotsa “old, traditional, lost recipe”..
share share with you ah…
* i learnt that a traditional piglet biscuit doesn’t bake out defined impressions,
so don’t feel disappointed if you lose all the lines during baking for that’s the way it should be
也和大家“婚享“ 哈
280g all purpose flour
1/2 cup peanut oil (c. 125ml)
1/2 cup homemade/store bought golden syrup (apologies, forgot to measure in grams/ml)
1/4 tsp lye water
1 egg, whisked till foamy, and sifted
多用途面粉 280克
花生油 1/2量杯(约 125毫升)
转化糖浆 1/2量杯(抱歉。。既然忘了记重量)
碱水 1/4小匙
鸡蛋 1颗,打至发泡后过筛
– sift flour into a bowl and dig a well in a middle
– pour in oil, syrup then lye water. use a spatula to mix together, then hand knead into a dough. rest dough for 15 mins
倒入油、糖浆和碱水,用刮刀拌匀后以手搓揉至成团。休面 15分钟
– divide dough into equal portions (according to the mould you are using)
– brush mould with a light coat of oil, and set it aside for half a min before pressing dough into it. press hard, then knock dough out
– spray shaped biscuits with a coat of water and bake in preheated oven of 180 degrees C, centre rack for 12 mins
整形后的猪仔饼喷上少许水,送入预热至 180摄氏度烤箱,中层烤 12分钟
– remove, and brush 4 coats of egg wash on each biscuit while they are still hot. return to bake in 160 degrees C oven for 6 mins
取出趁热刷上 4层蛋液。回炉,以 160摄氏度烤 6分钟
– remove biscuits from oven, and reduce temperature to 150 degrees C. brush biscuits with 2 more coats of egg wash, then continue to bake for 13 mins till dark in colour
再次取出,烤箱温度降至 150摄氏度。猪仔饼再刷上两层蛋液,续烤 13分钟至深咖啡色既可
– cool completely, and wrap each cake with aluminium foil for 2-3 days (a process literally translated as “returning oil”) before consumption
猪仔饼完全冷却后,将其以锡纸裹上 2-3天。回油后既可享用
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
– the original piglet biscuit loses all the impressions after baking.. and so i tried to use the mooncake shaping method to shape the rooster ones (i.e. dusting flour on mould and dough). as you can see, the rooster ends up with deeper impressions ~ then again, bear in mind this is no longer traditional
原做法的猪仔饼纹路不清晰。。整形公鸡饼时,我试用了做月饼的方式 ~ 既是模子和面团事先筛上面粉。烤出来的纹路比较清晰 ~但,切记这就不是古法方式了哈
– i bought my piggy mould from Bake King in Haig Road (Singapore). rooster mould, was purchased long ago.. in Hong Kong i believe
猪仔模子是在新加坡 Bake King 买滴。。公鸡模子。。 N 年前在。。相比香港买的吧
– piggy baskets can be purchased from here
Hi Victoria what is Lye water? What they call in Chinese ya? Cant find in the bakery shop…
hi Cindy, as indicated in the recipe, it\’s called 碱水. you should be able to find in bakery shop as especially this time of the year when everyone is making mooncake. another english term for it is alkaline water.
hope this helps
Hi Vic, Vic dear,
This traditional piglet biscuit is my child hood favorite.
You made them for me???
I must make this soon for my boys!! Thank you so much for the lovely recipe.
哎呀! 早知亲亲你贴猪仔饼, 那我就来个猪仔包了! 嘻嘻。。。
还没做过这个饼叻, 等下个月才动工吧!