recipe source adapted with modifications from/原食谱(经调整)取自于:大榴莲网
ingredients (6 inch round pan with removable base ~ ungreased. wrap bottom with aluminium foil)
60g egg yolk (c. 3 egg yolk)
60g whole egg (c. 1 egg)
50g freshly squeezed orange juice
zest from 2 oranges
40g coconut oil (or any vegetable oil)
50g cake flour, sifted twice
120g egg white (c. 3 egg white)
40g caster sugar
蛋黄 60克(约 3颗蛋黄)
全蛋 60克(约 一颗鸡蛋)
鲜榨橙汁 50克
橙皮屑 2颗
椰子油 40克(任何植物油 ok)
蛋糕粉 50克,过筛两次
蛋白 120克(约 3颗蛋白)
绵白糖 40克
– preheat oven to 180 degrees C
烤箱预热至 180摄氏度
– mix all of A together and set aside
A 食材混合、待用
– bring oil to boil over low heat till you see small bubbles. add in flour at a go and mix with a spatula till you get a dough. allow to cool slightly
– add A to the above in few additions. blend well
将 A分次加入以上面糊、拌匀
– add sugar to egg white in 3 additions and beat till stiff and shiny peak
– add 1/3 egg white meringue into batter. fold well. add in another third of egg white meringue, once again, fold well
– pour the entire batter into the remaining one third of egg white meringue and fold thoroughly
– pour batter into baking pan and level surface of batter. tap pan on bench top a few times
– turn oven temperature down to 170 degrees, and bake cake using water bath on second lowest rack of oven for 10 mins. bring temperature down to 150 degrees C and bake for a further of 45 mins C
烤箱温度降温至 170摄氏度,将蛋糕送入至烤箱倒数第二层、水浴法烤 10分钟。烤箱再次降温至 150摄氏度继续烤 45分钟
– leave cake to sit in oven for 5 mins before removing
烤熟后,蛋糕先别取出。让其在烤箱焖 5分钟后才取出
– upon removal, leave cake (in pan) on wire rack to cool completely (no need to invert cake)
– successful cake will have shrunk slightly after cooling (this will ease unmoulding)
How to order the little girl embosser please ??
Polly, please click on the link for the embosser then message the shop owner directly. You can show him an image of my cake.
这个烫面法我也试过, 自认为不够完美, 所有将它吞了!嘻嘻。。
加了盖章的蛋糕, 有加分哦!
Thanks for the recipe.. Tested and it turns out great…
sounds great.. tks for letting me know