IMG_9613it’s autumn time.. having returned from japan (yes yes.. again and again)
the loads of chestnuts bakes there really made my fingers itch


100g butter
75g light brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp bailey’s chocolate luxe (feel free to use vanilla or chocolate extract. rum can be used as well)
2 tbsp candied chestnuts syrup (i.e. syrup obtained from cooking chestnuts)
100g cake flour
20g natural almond meal
1 tsp espresso powder
3g baking powder
100g candied chestnuts (see picture below)


黄油 100克
黄糖 75克
鸡蛋 2大颗
巧克力百利酒 1小匙(可用香草精、巧克力香精或朗姆酒)
糖泽栗子糖浆 2大匙(既是熬糖泽栗子的糖浆水)
蛋糕粉 100克
全天然杏仁粉 20克
浓缩咖啡粉 1小匙
泡打粉 3克
糖泽栗子 100克(见上图)


IMG_9617– beat eggs briefly, and blend in bailey’s chocolate luxe and chestnut syrup. set aside

– sift flour, espresso powder, almond meal and baking powder together

– chop half portion of candied chestnuts into quarter pieces, and the rest into smaller pieces

– beat butter with sugar till creamy. add in egg mixture in few additions

– fold in flour and mix till batter is no longer lumpy

– spread one third of batter into a greased & lined pan, then spread some chopped chestnuts on top of batter

– spread half of the remaining batter on top of the chestnuts, and top with chopped chestnuts again

– spread remaining batter, and level the top of batter. place additional candied chestnuts on top to decorate as desired

– bake in preheated oven of 170 degrees for 40 mins
送入预热至 170摄氏度烤箱烤 40分钟

Personal notes/温馨小贴士:

IMG_9612– the size of my pan is L 19cm x W 5cm x H 5.5cm. feel free to use your desired loaf pan, but not something that’s too big as this recipe yields a small loaf
我家的烤盘尺寸为长 19 x 宽 5 x 高 5.5厘米。您可用自己心意的模子,不过不要太大,因为这个食谱做出来的量比较小

– if you do not have candied chestnuts, you can always make it at home. there are many such recipes available in the internet

– if you do not want to use candied chestnuts, use cooked/steamed chestnuts and pump up sugar to 80-85g
如果不想用糖泽栗子,可以用煮熟/蒸熟的栗子。不过糖份需稍增量 ~约 80~85克


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