ingredients (6 inch square pan, line bottom with banana leaf)
glutinous rice layer
300g white glutinous rice, rinsed
1 tsp lemon juice
120ml water
150ml blue pea flower solution
60ml concentrated coconut milk (see picture at personal notes)
1 tsp sea salt
kaya layer
60g tapioca flour
55g rice flour
70g egg
150ml concentrated coconut milk
100ml pandan juice
90g caster sugar
1/4 tsp sea salt
120ml water
2 blades of pandan leaves, knotted
糯米 300克,洗净沥干
柠檬汁 1小匙
水 120毫升
蓝花汁 150毫升
浓椰浆 60毫升(见温馨小贴士)
海盐 1小匙
木薯粉 100克
粘米粉 55克
蛋液 70克
浓椰浆 150毫升
班兰汁 100毫升
绵白糖 90克
海盐 1/4小匙
水 120毫升
斑兰叶 2片,打结
– place all C ingredients into saucepan, and stir over low heat till sugar has dissolved. discard pandan leave and allow sugar syrup to cool
所有 C食材放入奶锅以小火加热搅拌直到白糖完全融化。抛出斑兰叶,糖浆待凉
– divide glutinous rice (A ingredients) into 2 portions. add 1/2 tsp lemon juice and water into one portion, and another 1/2 tsp lemon juice and blue pea flower solution into another portion. soak rice for 75 mins
A食材的糯米分割成 2等份。其一加入 1/2小匙柠檬汁和水、另一份加入 1/2小匙柠檬汁和蓝花汁。糯米浸泡 75分钟
drain away water from rice, and place both portion of rice into a steaming bowl. spray some water onto rice, and steam over high heat for 20 mins
meantime, stir coconut milk with sea salt
糯米沥干水份,将两份糯米饭勺入蒸盘。米饭表面喷上少许水、以大火蒸 20分钟
place banana leaf into pan and brush lightly with coconut oil
remove steamed rice after 20 mins, and pour on coconut milk/salt
米饭蒸了 20分钟后从蒸锅取出,倒上椰奶/盐
mix everything together
pour rice into prepared pan, and using a greased presser, compress the rice layer
bring it back to steam over high heat for another 15 mins
米饭勺入烤盘、运用手压模将米饭压实、再以大火蒸 15分钟
sift flours in B ingredients into mixer bowl, and pour in coconut milk and egg
将 B 的粉类食材过筛入容器,倒入椰浆和蛋液
stir well (STIR, NOT WHISK)
pour in pandan juice
(you can add in a few drops of green food colouring at this point if you want a sharper colour. i didn’t)
finally pour in the sugar syrup. stir well and sieve batter twice
scoop kaya batter over the steamed rice carefully
cover pan with a piece of aluminium foil and steam over high heat for 60 mins (or till centre of kueh is set)
烤盘顶部盖上一张锡纸,以大火蒸 60分钟(或至到糕点中央已凝固)
– remove pan and allow to cool for four hours before unmoulding and slicing
烤盘从蒸锅取出、待凉 4小时后再脱模并切片
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
– i use Heng Guan packet coconut milk. bought this in FairPrice Xtra when i was in Singapore
我用 Heng Guan 牌子的椰浆。回新时在 FairPrice Xtra 买滴
– blue pea solution: rinse 5g of blue pea flower and bring it to boil over low heat in 250ml of water for 5 mins. sieve away the flowers, and measure out the required portion to use
蓝花汁:将 5克蓝花稍微过水后放入锅中。加入 250毫升水、以小火加热至沸腾约 5分钟。将蓝花汁过筛抛去蓝花,量出所需份量即可
I am submitting this post to Little Thumbs Up~ October 2015 : Coconut organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Jess from Bakericious
Victorial, these are so pretty. My mil only use this brand coconut milk, so I follow her lol.
My fav chilled coconut milk. Been using this brand since it launch over decade ago… 😍
Love your kueh packing. So gorgeous… 😍
亲亲你真有一套啊, 这糕点不只是包装美, 就连切工也是超厉害的, 切到44方方的美透了!
These are so pretty! I bet they are yummy too!
So pretty..your kueh kueh looks like a bar of soap…i wanna have some and keep them warm n snuggly INSIDE my stomach…HEHEHE….
Hi Victoria,
I\’m a big fan of kueh pulut kaya but always didn\’t have a chance of make my own because all that I can eat is just one slice of the kueh!
After seeing the beautiful yours, I tell myself that I have to look for an opportunity to make this kueh… Looking around for any gatherings now :p
It’s very hard to find pandanus leaves in US.
But I found frozen ones.
Can you tell me if I can use the frozen leaves to get pandan juice and cook for the syrup?
Thank you!
You definitely can. In fact that’s what I do as I can’t find good pandan leaves in Beijing so I bring loads back when I travel and freeze them. Just thaw , snip into pieces and blend with water per normal
Thank you so much !
How much pandan leaves and water I should use to make 100ml pandan juice?
I also only found frozen banana leaves, it should be fine too?
Please do not use banana leaves! They are two totally different things. Banana leaves are primarily used as a base for baking or wrapping food. You can google for recipes to make pandan juice. I usually go by an “estimation” and do not specially record the weight of the ingredients