on a scale of 10, this was rated 12! try it!
ingredients (makes 9 chicken mid wings)
9 chicken mid wings
1 tbsp prawn paste
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp ginger juice
1/2 tsp chicken bouillon powder
1/2 tsp sesame oil
pepper, as appropriate
3 tbsp cake flour
3 tbsp potato starch
3 tbsp rice flour
1 egg
1/3 tsp baking soda
鸡中翅 9只
虾酱 1大匙
糖 1小匙
醋 1大匙
蚝油 1大匙
姜汁 1大匙
鸡粉 1/2小匙
麻油 1/2小匙
胡椒粉 适量
蛋糕粉 3大匙
土豆淀粉 3大匙
粘米粉 3大匙
鸡蛋 1颗
苏打粉 1/3小匙
– wash chicken mid wings, and pat dry. add in seasoning and mix well
– mix all batter ingredients together, and add into chicken. mix well
cover with cling wrap, and chill for at least 8 hours
i chilled mine overnight
盖上保鲜膜,冷藏自少 8小时
on day of frying, bring chicken back to room temperature
heat oil over very low heat, to about 130 degrees C
将油以小火加热至 130摄氏度
put in chicken mid wings
you will see big bubbles like that
the oil temperature will lower due to the addition of the chicken
see.. bubbles are less angry ~ fry for 2 minutes
dish up and allow to cool for 10 mins on kitchen towel
捞起鸡翅、放到厨纸上冷却 10分钟
bring oil to a boil c. 190 degrees C over high heat
将油以大火再次加热至 190摄氏度
put in cooled chicken wings and fry till golden brown (won’t take too long!)
remove and drain off oil on kitchen towel
10分打12分啊, 太好了!
这鸡太ngam我家的几个猴子了, 食谱我拿走了!
Which brand of shrimp paste? I believe the shrimp paste link is not operating properly for me. Dying to try it. Thank you for sharing!! Kudos to the detailed instructions !
Hello, there\’s no particular brand that i will insist on, so if you can grab a bottle, it will work. Mine is a hardcore chinese brand, name is in chinese, but in Hanyu pinyin, its Di Yi Jiang, meaning number one paste.
Hope this helps, n yes, try soon…