this cake is awesome.. living up to its name..
thanks Cheryl, for this wonderful cake
谢谢 Cheryl 无私分享
please hop over to Cheryl’s post for recipe and detailed pictorial
食谱和做法请参考 Cheryl 家的博文
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
– i used a 7 inch square pan
我用了 7寸方形烤盘
– i baked mine (WATER BATH, not steam bath. cake pan was floating a little in the bigger roasting pan~ be it) for 20 mins on 170 degrees C, then 160 degrees C for 55 mins. i will extend this to 65 mins at 160 degrees in future
这次蛋糕用了(水域法,并非蒸烤法。蛋糕烤盘在渗水的大烤盘中飘着~飘着~也就这样吧) 170摄氏度烤 20分钟,后转 160摄氏度烤 55分钟。下次将 160摄氏度烘焙时间延长至 65分钟
– i did not invert the cake to cool. after dropping the cake with pan 3x, i lifted the cake out of the mould (with help of parchment paper) and allowed it to cool as it is
– i WILL NOT do anything else different from what Cheryl has posted; plus i totally agree with her that baking time and temperature is dependant on your oven. it is crucial you adjust through trial and error to get the right temperature and time for this cake
除了以上,这食谱我啥都木有更改,并完全同意 Cheryl 对温度和烘焙时间的说法。烘焙这种蛋糕所需温度和时间视个人烤箱,所以这需要时间摸索
看到亲亲如此漂亮的蛋糕, 让我羡慕不已!
我好久没有烤蛋糕了, 对蛋糕我是又爱又恨了,只能看看。。要下手更没有勇气了!