i took the challenge of using very minimal flour for this cake.. indeed, it has no structure.. no backbone.. can’t even stand in solitude.. but.. it is very moist and…
蛋糕条纹灵感取自于 qi qi 老师 topo cake design inspired by qi qi in the house ingredients (7 inch round pan with removable base ~ ungreased) 4 egg yolk 50ml coconut oil 80g…
Ingredients (makes a 7 inch chiffon cake) A 4 large egg yolk (c. 80g) 50ml coconut oil 35ml coconut milk + 65ml warm milk * i used ayam brand coconut…
Ingredients (7 inch round pan with removable bottom ~ greasing & parchment paper not required) 80g egg yolk 50ml coconut oil 60ml horlicks drink (mix 3 tbsp horlicks with 60ml…
yet another recipe that makes me walk right into the kitchen ~ highly recommended ~ yum 又一道另偶屁屁长刺儿滴蛋糕 ~ 好吃~强推 (๑・ω-)~♥” recipe adapted with slight modifications from/食谱(经调整)取自于:爱厨房的幸福之味 ingredients (7 inch round…
今天是“亲亲~~之约”。。 亲亲,问你准备好了么? 偶开跑了哟 Recipe adapted from 厨苑食谱 Ingredients (makes a tall 6 inch chiffon cake) 5 egg yolk 100g purple sweet potato puree 125g milk * i had some leftover…
one of my favourite recipes… made this classic chiffon flavour into mini bites as part of a birthday platter please refer to this post for recipe and baking instructions 一个自己大爱的食谱…
Ingredients (7 inch square pan ~ non removable base preferred) A 200g vanilla yogurt (feel free to use your preferred flavoured yogurt) 48g coconut oil B 80g egg yolk 45g…
frankly, this cake baked up really high up.. and then something must go wrong just as i walked away after reverting and placing the cake pan between 2 mugs to cool…
Ingredients (makes a 17cm chiffon cake) 4 large egg yolk 50ml coconut oil 60ml milk 80g almond meal, sifted twice 20g almond flakes 4 large egg white 60g sugar 20g cocoa…
Ingredients (makes a 17cm chiffon cake) 4 egg yolk 36g coconut oil (corn oil is ok, but coconut oil gives it a really nice fragrance) 65g coconut milk 78g cake…
Chiffon cake recipe adapted and modified from here Ingredients (makes a tall 17cm chiffon cake. you can also make it into a 20cm chiffon cake) 5 grade A egg yolk…