recipe adapted with modifications from/食谱(经调整)取自于: Minty’s Kitchen ingredients (7 inch square pan with removable bottom) 40g gula melaka, finely chopped 5g butter 150g banana, cut into pieces (about 1.5 medium…
recipe adapted with modifications from/食谱(经调整)取自于: Minty’s Kitchen ingredients (7 inch square pan with removable bottom) 40g gula melaka, finely chopped 5g butter 150g banana, cut into pieces (about 1.5 medium…
Ingredients (6 inch round pan with removable bottom ~ greasing & parchment paper not required) 80g egg yolk 50ml coconut oil 60ml milk 70g cake flour 160g egg white 50g caster sugar…
have you tried this today? no? then you bettaaaa…. it’s really good 今天做了么?还木有?赶紧开炉。。真的好次! recipe adapted with modifications from/食谱经调整取自于:Baking Taitai ingredients (6 inch round pan with removable bottom) 40g egg yolk…
i have been trying to perfect this cake for a very long time.. i made many mistakes, and tried many recipes.. by this post, i aim to share my experiences…
now that i think I’m beginning to master the technique of the hot cross cake, i’m obsessed… 做拜拜蛋糕拜得走火入魔咯。。。说实在,为了学做这个拜拜,偶还真是败掉好多层蛋糕! 这次,不 bye bye 了 Ingredients (7 inch round pan with removable base) 100g egg…
Ingredients (7 inch round pan with removable bottom ~ greasing & parchment paper not required) 80g egg yolk 50ml coconut oil 60ml horlicks drink (mix 3 tbsp horlicks with 60ml…
i don’t know how many times i have failed with this 拜拜cake… literally translated for this cake, meaning pray pray.. but i think it means more of bye bye cake…