how much better can it get then to get the recipe off the very person who invented it? chef dominique ansel! the richness and flakiness of a croissant coupled with…
ingredients (makes 8) 350g cake flour (or pau flour) 35g caster sugar 210g milk 5g instant dry yeast 5g butter 食材(可做 8个) 蛋糕粉(或包粉)350克 绵白糖 35克 牛奶 210克 即溶干酵母 5克 黄油…
recipe adapted from here with changes noted in personal notes below 食谱请参考此链接并注意以下温馨小贴士 Personal notes/温馨小贴士: – i halved the recipe and made 13 mini tarts (diameter 5.5cm) 这次做了半份食谱,做了 13个迷你蛋挞仔 (模子直径为 5.5厘米)…
a cake that takes effort but worth the effort.. if you break this up into a 2 days bake, it ain’t that bad afterall 一款有够折腾但令人十分满足的蛋糕。。分两天做,就不觉得那么累了哈 Original recipe source adapted &…
my mum has always been making this dish since we were young.. and i certainly remember this being the first dish to be totally wiped out at parties because it’s…
Ingredients (bakes in a 7 or 8 inch round pan) 250ml coconut milk 35g chopped pandan leaves 220g eggs (c. 4 eggs) 130g tapioca starch (this is the same as…
these are just absolutely cute and yummy to eat… 这小锤锤,真是惹人喜爱。。又好吃。。。又可爱。。赞! ꒰ღ˘‿˘ற꒱❤⃛ Ingredients 10 chicken drumettes seasoning (feel free to season according to personal preference) salt ground black pepper one clove…
Win US$160 Paypal cash this Chinese New Year! 过个与众不同的春节 ~ 今年送您美金160元贝宝奖金哈 For the first time, 16 fabulous cooking bloggers have come together to bring you the chance to start the…
after i saw this willow leaf shaped buns at may’s, i was reminded how unskillful i am with these but may has given some confidence in me.. already then!…
i always enjoy shaping bread differently just to check out the outcome i like how this one turned out 😉 please hop here for original danish loaf recipe and shaping method…
Recipe adapted from Bitter Sweet Spicy Ingredients 300g butter 120g fine sugar 6 large eggs 1/2 tsp vanilla 80g kaya 250g sweetened condensed milk 80g horlicks 160g cake flour 2…
no, this is not JUST another light cheesecake recipe look at the ingredients… yes… it doesn’t use flour at all when i unmoulded the cake, it actually does the tummy dance…