how apt as it is – hello world indeed and I welcome myself to the world of blogosphere ~ the 173 “million-th ” blogger (if there’s such a word??). I…
when you are sick for nearly a week and given strict instructions by the coach that it is a defo NO GYM, NO BAKING, NO TV, NO WORK, you know…
i was sneakish ~ ever since my return from Singapore, i’d been somewhat feeling like a pot of simmering whipping cream ~ everything tasted bland like cardboard to me, phelgm…
i’d made the chocolate wassant bread so many times in the past 2 years i can dish one up whilst multi-tasking. that often! before the hubby returns home, i will…
Friday 13th… much as i expected Mr. Sod’s Law to be omnipresent today, he was nowhere in sight.. the flight was on schedule, impeccable service level in SQ as always,…
The usual questions that I expect during my weekly (if not random) FaceTime calls with my ah bu (hokkien term of endearment for mum) includes “le jia ba buey” (have…
cheesecakes had always been a bake i like to master and do well but it does need patience in abundance.. foiling the pan, ensuring that the ingredients are of room temperature,…
i have to confess, that this is my second attempt at this. the first time i made these, was my first year into baking. the pies were great.. the mashmallow…