matcha cakje sushi roll

I have always wanted to take part in the Aspiring Bakers but never had the courage… everyone seem to be so good… but this time, I’d decided to join in the fun, and hopefully to exchange more ideas and knowledge with the experts in the baking world.

The theme for this month hosted by Food Playground is “It’s tea time!” ( and I suddenly recalled on a marvelous and skill testing (at least for me) recipe posted by Sprinkle Bakes ( Why testing? because I found it pretty difficult to roll a thick cake into a teeny tube and pipe the buttercream through…. nonetheless, it is lots of fun and indeed a pretty dessert to palate on the table.

I am submitting this post to the Aspiring Bakers #30: it’s Tea time! (April 2013).


Pollution index: 162 (unhealthy)



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