chocolate marbled loafi know this (chocolate marbled loaf) is an over baked (or in some people’s terms ~ repeat telecast) post in my blog but i always have fun baking this because every loaf you bake is different… the anticipation and excitement is still there everytime i slice my knife through the loaf… (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)… and this time, i am using the hokkaido milk bread recipe for the loaf

Hokkaido Milk Bread recipe adapted from Kitchen Flavours 
北海道牛奶面包食谱请参阅 Kitchen Flavours 家

Chocolate paste recipe adapted from Cathy’s Joy


Chocolate portion:

50g chocolate
20g butter
20g bread flour
10g cocoa powder
5g corn flour
60g milk
20g castor sugar
1 egg white


巧克力 50克
黄油 20克
面包粉 20克
可可粉 10克
粟粉 5克
牛奶 60克
绵白糖 20克
蛋白 1颗

Chocolate sheet directions/巧克力内陷做法
chocolate marbled loaf– Melt chocolate & butter separately

– Sift flour, cocoa powder & cornflour together. Put the flour mixture in a saucepan

– Add in milk & sugar into the sifted flour mixture

– Add in melted chocolate, butter & egg white

– Put the saucepan over the stove on low heat. Using a balloon whisk to stir the mixture until it becomes thick. It will becomes a soft dough

– Remove the saucepan from stove. Pour out the chocolate dough between two pieces of cling wrap to cool down

– Roll out the chocolate dough into 18cm x 18cm & put in fridge for later use
巧克力面团擀成 18 x 18 厘米面片,冷藏备用
chocolate marbled loaf

– After first proofing and resting of dough, roll out the dough into a square (at least 2x the chocolate dough)

– Put the chocolate dough on top of the bread dough & wrap it up

– Roll out the dough slowly until double of the original

– Fold the dough into 1/3 & roll out

– Repeat the above step 2 more times

– At the final roll out of the dough, divide the dough into 3 strips (but do not cut the dough totally) & do plaiting

– Place in a lightly greased 450g loaf tin & proof for an hour
面团摆入抹上油的 450克吐司烤盘、发酵一小时

– Bake in a preheated oven @ 180C for 30mins
送入预热至 180摄氏度烤箱烤 30分钟即可

Personal notes/温馨小贴士:

chocolate marbled loaf– i halved the dough recipe above to yield one loaf. Please note that the chocolate sheet portion stated above is for 1 loaf of bread

– i egg washed the bread before baking

– bread was baked on lower rack of oven for 30 mins
面包在烤箱倒数第二层烤了 30分钟

chocolate marbled loaf

Pollution index: sunny taipei…..


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