and finally the long awaited wind is here… i do hope the city clears up a bit.. i haven’t seen the sun for days.. sometimes, i wonder why i’m still in beijing… ….. oh… yes, my husband.. nearly forgot about him.. ┗┃・ ■ ・┃┛
when i first saw this recipe, i was really excited because it uses toufu to make the dango.. it was said to give the dango an even chewier texture… and how true it is indeed O(≧▽≦)O
Recipe adapted and translated from 彩绘*QQ🍬点 by Junko
Ingredients (makes 2 servings)
Kitty dango recipe
25g shiratamako or 白玉粉 (you can substitute with glutinous rice flour if you do not have shiratamako though the texture is slightly different)
30~40g soft tofu
1/2 tsp chocolate paste
few drops of red food colouring (dissolved in some hot water)
1/4tsp black cocoa powder (dissolved in 1/2 tsp of hot water)
Almond toufu
1 tbsp almond milk
30g caster sugar
100ml water
100ml milk
5g gelatin powder (mixed with 2 tbsp cold water)
50ml whipping cream
Sugar syrup
30g caster sugar
100ml water
食材 (2人份)
白玉粉 25克
巧克力酱 1/2 小匙
食用红色素 微量 (加入几滴水溶解)
黑可可粉 1/4小匙 (加入1/2小匙热水溶解)
细砂糖 30可
牛奶 100毫升
吉利丁粉5克 (加入2大匙冷水静置至膨胀备用)
细砂糖 30克
水 100毫升
*green fonts indicate my usage
– prepare almond tofu by heating almond milk, sugar and water in a pot over medium heat. stir with a wooden spoon
制作杏仁豆腐 ~ 杏仁露、细砂糖和水放入小锅,开中火,用木勺搅拌均匀
– once mixture thickens, add in milk and heat till mixture becomes warm. add in bloomed gelatine and mix well
– add in whipping cream, and then sieve mixture into a flat container. chill in fridge
– meanwhile, cook sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in water over medium heat. let it cool down and chill in fridge
制作糖浆 ~ 细砂糖和水加入锅内开火煮至糖完全溶解后,从炉火上移开,再倒入调理盆中放入冰箱冷藏备用
– prepare kitty dango ~ add in 25-30g of tofu into shiratamako (i used 25g tofu). add in additional shiratamako as needed to achieve a soft dough
制作汤圆 ~ 白玉粉加入25-30克豆腐 (我用了25克豆腐),搓揉成团。若无法成团,再将剩余豆腐依情况一点一点加入
– pinch out a 2x2cm dough and colour it with a bit of red food colouring. cut into four strips. these will be the kitties’ ribbons
以上面团取出 2×2厘米面团,搓入红色素、分割成4等分,搓成细条状,形成小猫项圈
– divide the remaining dough into 2 equal portions and add 1/2 tsp of chocolate paste into one of the portion. knead well. add in additional tofu as appropriate
– shape 2 kitties out of each portion and paint expression with dissolved black cocoa powder solution. add ribbon to kitties’ necks
– place dangos into a pot of boil water and cook till they float. continue boiling for 1-2 more minutes and place them into a bowl of cold water to stop the cooking process
– slice almond toufu into desired size, and place in the bowl of sugar syrup. decorate with fruits and dango and serve
– do use a small square bowl/container for the almond tofu ~ i placed mine in a 7 x 7 inch square pan and they turned out to be thin tofu( ̄~ ̄;)
下次做会用一个更小的四方形小盘。。这次用了7 x 7 寸四方烤盘。。太大了哈。。。 豆腐都扁扁滴
Hi Victoria,
You make the cutest desserts! Even your almond tofu dessert looks so cute with the Kitty Dango!
Thanks for sharing with CYB!
Look so cute. They even have collars!!
Your kitty dessert look so cute!
Hi! lovely looking dessert! Could see you put in a lot of effort in creating this! 😀 Lovely blog by the way:)
This is so cute! I love almond tofu, and it\’s one of my favorite dessert after Asian food. 🙂
Oh my, these are so cute 🙂 I know my Little Girl will jump up and down if I made these for her (she loves kitty). I can foresee that she\’ll give the kitties a kiss before eating them. hehehe….Thank you for sharing these cuties.
Your kitty is so cute! I love this dessert very much too!
Last night I saw something like this on the web and wanted to attempt. You beat me to it and now I have a reference! Thank you!
Very impressive! You handmade the kitties? I\’m sure anyone would love this dessert.
Hi Victoria,
You are extremely good in Kawaii-style desserts and sweets. Your kitty dango looks so cute!
Victoria, you make the cutest things!
Hi Vic,
I saw this book in the bookstore few month back but didn\’t manage to buy it. Now can\’t see this book anymore 🙁
Love this cute and special dessert very much. Thanks for sharing this to LTU.