just arrived back in beijing last night and had to get busy with hubby’s breakfast i saw this on cookpad a while back and couldn’t wait to get started and…
yes, i’m into the starter dough craze these days… 是滴。。最近偶家再次吹起这五千元老式面包风潮 ……(⌒_⌒;) Recipe Ingredients Starter dough 105g high protein/bread flour 45g low protein/cake flour 12g trehalose 3g instant dry yeast 120g…
since i last incorporated kaya into my huat kuey, i’d been wondering how else i can play with kaya 自前阵子在发糕加入了咖椰酱,那念念不忘的香味儿留在脑海里。。所以一直思考还可用这咖椰酱做啥好吃的 乂❤‿❤乂 Ingredients 300g high protein flour 64g kaya 3g instant…
when i saw this super white and fluffy shokupan (square white bread) on cookpad, i knew it’s gonna be another winner truly, it was…. even the crust is white and…
why is it called japanese hotel bread? well, simply because the ones served in japan hotels are that soft and fluffy… there have been many of this bread recipes floating…
ensuing my last chef nishikawa’s 85% hydration sesame toast, i’m continuing with the craze of this super soft bread.. and this time, a chocolate marble bread in 2 days, i baked…
extremely highly-recommended… stays soft even after 5 days 强力推荐 ~ 5天后还软绵绵的变态吐司 UPDATE (1 July 2014): thanks to everyone’s support on this toast and i understand many has also made this….
Recipe adapted & modified from my last wu pao-chun champion toast Ingredients (makes a full 9 x 3″ loaf) 300g high protein flour 24g trehalose (feel free to replace with…
when i saw Joycelyn Pang post this bake on Facebook, this recipe immediately creeped its way to the top of my to-bake… о(ж>▽<)y ☆ 当网友Joycelyn Pang 在脸谱上了这个帖子后,偶。。。又情不自禁地赐给了这食谱优先权。。 。。 Recipe adapted and…
a very very simple toast, simple in appearance and taste yet a big time hit amongst hong kongers… ≧(´▽`)≦ original recipe presented as follows 一个不起眼,卖相不怎么样的吐司方包,却是一个受欢迎程度“爆灯”的典型港式面包。。。 原食谱如下哈 Ingredients 450g bread flour 56g…
this was one of the first few bread i made when i started baking… it is really simple and very tasty .. i mean, what can go wrong when it…
i haven’t made a toast for a long time and when Aunty Young posted this, it totally attracted me because i have also long heard about Wu Pao-Chun (hop over…