everyone who ate this cake nods their head in agreement.. it’s too good don’t you just enjoy seeing a reaction like this? thanks to Facebook sister, Jenny Lim’s contribution.. 每个咬上一口后都不约而定滴点头赞好…
recipe adapted and modified from/食谱经调整取自于: 袅袅烘焙香 ingredients (6 inch square pan, greased & lined) A 280g butter 100g sugar B 86g egg yolk + 334g egg (or use 420g egg…
i enjoy baking lapis.. and no, i don’t find it a chore.. too time consuming? haiz.. easy.. put on your tablet and just screen your favourite tv show or movie…
this cake is so refreshing.. i love how the power of orange juice permeated the entire cake.. really yummy 这蛋糕吃起来特清新。。橙皮和橙汁儿渗透正个蛋糕,香气十足。。太好吃了 Recipe adapted from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe with modifications to…
Ingredients (makes a 6 inch square cake with removable base) A 120g butter, softened 86 sugar B 144g egg 1 tsp vanilla extract 108g milk C 152g self rising flour…
a cake that takes effort but worth the effort.. if you break this up into a 2 days bake, it ain’t that bad afterall 一款有够折腾但令人十分满足的蛋糕。。分两天做,就不觉得那么累了哈 Original recipe source adapted &…
Original recipe source/原食谱取自:君之 Ingredients (makes two 8 inch square pan brownie) chocolate portion 200g dark chocolate 250g butter 150g egg 200g sugar 1.5g salt 6g vanilla extract 100g high protein…
Fion… Doreen… my homework! 达令。。。Doreen 美女,交功课来咯! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ Ingredients (makes a 900g cake) A 175g butter, softened 130g organic coconut sugar (feel free to use brown sugar) B 3 eggs 1…
am travelling for a month.. so this was a result of using up everything in the fridge… very lovely cake and i love it served chilled σ(^_^;) 因将出门一个月,所以急着把冷藏库快过期的食材及时报销掉 这蛋糕好吃。。冷藏后的口感更是佳哦 Recipe…
after dear esther made this cake, i was totally mesmerised.. and then i realised i’d also bookmarked the same from blue little kitchen and mui mui (the original recipe contributor)…so here’s mine 网上看见 esther 家的作品后,傻了眼。。美。。然后。。更傻了眼 ~发现原来较早前既然也在蓝色小厨和 mui mui 家(原食谱贡献者)也收藏了同样的食谱。。。它。。既然被偶埋藏到清单的深、深、深处。。。 Recipe…
Win US$160 Paypal cash this Chinese New Year! 过个与众不同的春节 ~ 今年送您美金160元贝宝奖金哈 For the first time, 16 fabulous cooking bloggers have come together to bring you the chance to start the…
when i saw may’s walnut nutella cake, i wanted to bake it immediately for the church I’d always wanted to try the infamous fiona lau’s tionk tionk tionk butter cake so…