I really enjoyed making these .. A little time consuming but the end product just melts your heart recipe can be found here
ingredients (makes 18) water pastry 220g cake flour 70g softened lard 15g caster sugar 1.5g sea salt 85g boiling water (adjust accordingly) oil pastry 56g cake flour 0.5g beetroot powder/red…
recipe adapted with modifications from/食谱经调整取自于:杰克琳。珊 小小厨房记 ingredients 125g cold butter, cubed 35g icing sugar, sifted 1 tsp vanilla paste 125g potato starch 80g cake flour 50g oreo biscuits, broken (filling…
recipe adapted with modifications from/食谱经调整取自于: 最爱的。。。。 ingredients 60g salted butter (unsalted butter ok) 1 tbsp coconut oil 50g gula melaka, finely chopped 10g egg yolk 15g dessicated coconut 20g coconut…

came back from tokyo recently and am glad to find them offering more gluten free bakes 近期上了东京一趟。。不错不错。。 花现商品店越来越多不含麸质食品。。哦耶 ingredients 100g rice flour 50g almond powder 30g potato starch 45g icing…
try this try this! 尝试尝试! ingredients (makes thirty-four 7.5g cookies) 75g butter 50g icing sugar, sifted 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 20g egg yolk + 3g vanilla paste 100g cake flour…
cake? biscuit? biscuit? cake? whatever.. old school affordable eats that comes in a pack of 5… and the lips will be snowy white… 蛋糕?饼干? 反正就是小时候一袋 5个饼。。吃得整个口都粉白粉白哒 recipe adapted with modifications/食谱经调整取自于:…
ingredients (makes forty-five 1.5-2g mini biscuits) 10g butter 8g icing sugar 25g egg 3g high maltose syrup, warmed (substitute with honey) 30g potato starch 10g cake flour 1g baking powder…
ingredients (makes about 14 rose cookies) 100g butter 35g icing sugar, sifted 100g potato starch 45g cake flour 10g horlicks powder 1/2 tsp beet root powder * sift the above…
ingredients 30g cake flour, sifted 15g cold butter, cubed slightly lesser than 1/4 tsp sea salt 60g finely shredded cheddar cheese (orange cheddar cheese preferred) 1/2 tbsp cold full cream…
ingredients (makes about twelve 12cm egg rolls) 100g eggs (net weight) 40g caster sugar 1g salt 50g coconut oil (preferred) 60g cake flour, sifted 5g fried black sesame seeds 食材(可做约十二条…
i’m highly recommending this because.. oh boy… does it taste like the KG brand! well done on this Phay Shing! 为啥强推这食谱?这饼干还真是勾起儿时的回忆~儿时那康 X 品牌饼干的口味儿.. Phay Shing, 给你三十二个赞! recipe adapted with modifications/食谱经调整取自于:…