i enjoy making cute cookies… but making them free hand (like my moo~moo biscuits) is really time consuming… and so i got an idea… 我非常喜欢做造型曲奇/饼干,可是没模具,真的是费时,费力。。 and so, 我灵机一动。。。 Ψ(●◜ ཅ…
detestable weather when the sky is so gloomy & polluted… you really have to bend on all fours to capture every bit of sunlight you can 什么坏天气。。。乌云密布,灰蒙蒙的天。。我把这种天气称为“拍照忌日”。。 拍照最忌讳的日子。。。 (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Recipe…
ever since i made digestive biscuits in the past, i stopped purchasing these. after all, homemade is always much better, no? this time, i modified the recipe using organic coconut…
i love crayon shin-chan cartoon ~ sometimes i wished i will have a kid like that.. lots of frustration but fun around the house 本人对蜡笔小新这个小孩儿特别有感觉 ~有时觉得要家里多个类似他这样的小孩儿, 乐趣无穷 大象,大象,你的鼻子怎么那么长~~妈妈说~鼻子长才最漂亮 Ingredients (made 9-30g…
made this especially for my ah bu as she loves anything coconut.. ( ^ω^ ) 特地做给阿母吃滴。。阿母最爱椰子口味儿 Ingredients (makes 20 pcs) Crust 364g flour 224g soft butter 98g icing sugar…
what a long long name for a cookie ya? w(@。@;)w but truly, you’ve gotta make this…. it is not gonna last long in the house 满口的名称。。说白了,就是好吃。。特力推荐!٩(๑ơలơ)۶♡ Recipe adapted and translated…
i was captivated by this pastry because of it’s history… in fact, this is a famous wedding pastry in china. once upon a long long time during the Three Kingdoms…
40g of shortening was what led to this ☆⌒(*^-°)v 剩下40克吊儿郎当的起酥油,今天干脆就将它就地正法 Ingredients 40g shortening 32g icing sugar 1.5tbsp milk black cocoa dough (A) 24g cake flour + 16g rice flour + slightly…
we all know what the wife cake is.. but have you ever heard of husband cake? not me.. i was just googling for fun to see if there was such a thing…
just as i was at a lost of words for this post, i received a wechat message from my sister in singapore… she said her daughter, my niece, said i…
i have made danish butter cookies previously but have never attempted piped butter cookies. so i’d decided to take it easy today and check this off my to-bake list ⁝(๑⑈௰⑈)◞⁝˚º꒰꒱ Recipe adapted…
there are so many biscotti recipes out there but the reason why i chose this was because there was no added butter to it… for a moment, i wondered how…