red bean paste buns

all i want is an answer… such a simple decision has turned into something so difficult. is this why organizations are built ? to manifest problems that can be so easily solved? you create the problem, you solve it…

and meantime, i continue to seek solace in my kitchen. nothing takes my mind away more than baking… how else can it let you down? oh… this dough nearly did… after the first proofing, i nearly trashed the dough. it got so wet and sticky to handle. of course, the “aiya, don’t sayang” mentality in me just continued to knead and knead till it became pilable…. and so, i present to you my little animal farm bread basket ~ they are really just my favourite japanese sweet dough recipe with red bean paste (oh ya… leftover from the 小鸡烧果子)

Pollution index: 473 (hazardous … why am i still working?)

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