oreo light cheesecakeRecipe adapted and translated from Xiao Homemade’s Blog

Ingredients (makes a 7 inch square pan cheesecake)

130g fresh milk
40g unsalted butter
110g cheddar cheese (grated)
40g cream cheese
* please note you can use 125g of cream cheese or cheddar cheese for this cake instead. rest of the ingredients remain unchanged

20g superfine/cake flour
15g corn starch
* both flour and corn starch to be sifted together

2 egg yolk

3 egg white
65g caster sugar
2 drops of vinegar

6 oreo biscuits (filling removed)

For directions and tips, please refer to this post

oreo light cheesecake– fold in oreo bits after egg white meringue has been incorporated into egg yolk

Personal notes:

– my initial intention was to paint 2 bears… and prepared only 2 heaped tsp of batter with 1 tsp of cocoa powder… but i could only draw one bear with the batter ヾ(T(エ)Tヽ). so do not be stingy with the drawing batter if you have a big pattern to draw

oreo light cheesecake….. and it’s ready for tea time 川´・ω・`川 …..

Pollution index: 35 (excellent)


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