hubby is back today and everytime he is back, there must be 2 bakes in the house ~ chocolate marble bread, and chocolate pound cake… I like to bake my…
if anything at all, this is an absolute healthier version of the layer cake… lesser butter, lesser yolks.. and indeed it wasn’t that greasy. and because it wasn’t that greasy,…
Winston told me during brunch that he has brownies only once a year as a form of indulgence. ok… and so i digressed from my christmas baking, and baked him…
wow.. such a long name… but chocolate pound cake is what it really is. And it’s a challenge now that i have run out of Valhora cocoa powder.. but…
okay… i think i reallly need to take some extra time to play with “fondanting” a cake. it really isn’t easy icing/ganaching a cake, then covering with the fondant.. mine’s…
and this year i decided to give it a good twist ~ fruit cake is so sweet, dense, and way too rich for the family. I’m using the Nigella Lawson’s…
been quiet with blogging and facebooking because i 躲起来玩fondant.. kakaka.. of course, i’d still been baking the normal stuff, like white bread for husband, some banana cupcakes and chocolate pound…
been feeling sleepy recently… maybe i really should consider changing the bed and pillows (and if i haven’t told you, i already have 20 pillows in the house). i need…
believe it or not, is a lapis… i wonder if the person was trying to put me “to the test”… i was supposed to deliver this tomorrow but i started baking…
and so I’m back (not from outerspace)…. been away for nearly a month. Tokyo, Singapore wedding, Athens, Silverseas cruise in Mediterranean, Istanbul… when the plane landed in Beijing, i was…
and in 2 days time, i will be flying off to Japan and then Singapore for my big day… will be away from home for nearly a month… gosh. really…
nice relaxing (i hope) day at home with lao beh and i am piling up on my baking list. I wonder how long i can tahan ~ the first “project”…