chocolate custard bun

just touched down in Beijing at 1130 today and couldn’t wait to get home to start baking for tomorrow’s breakfast… when you have very little time, you can only do something you are very comfortable with…. oh yes, my all-time favourite dough recipe and changed the filling to chocolate custard

Mini Winnie the Pooh Chocolate Custard Bun


half portion of  dough recipe adapted from here

100g milk
4g cake flour
3g corn starch
25g castor sugar
10g unsalted butter (cut into small pieces and softened)
12g egg
12g egg yolk
50g dark chocolate (chopped into small pieces)



牛奶 100克
蛋糕粉 4克
粟粉 3克
绵白糖 25克
无盐黄油 10克(切小块儿、软化)
蛋液 12克
蛋黄 12克
黑巧克力 50克(切小颗粒)

chocolate custard bun


– prepare dough and whilst proofing, prepare chocolate custard

– whisk sugar with egg & egg yolk and sift in flours. Mix well

– boil milk, and add milk into egg mixture in 2 additions. Whisk constantly

– return mixture into saucepan and continue heating over medium heating whilst whisking constantly

– once mixture achieves a soft and big lump consistency, add butter. Mix well and remove saucepan from fire

– add in chopped chocolate and continue mixing till well incorporated. Cool custard

– Divide dough into 8 balls of 20g (for winnie the pooh’s face), 8 balls of 2g (for the round portion for nose) and 32 balls of 1g dough (2 for ears, and 2 for cheeks on each Winnie’s face)
面团分割成 8份 20克(维尼熊的脸)、8份 2克(鼻子部位)和 32克份 1克面团(两份耳朵、两份脸颊)
– rest dough for 10 mins
面团静置 10分钟

– wrap about 10g of chocolate custard into 20g dough and seal well. Flatten face and lightly puncture the middle of the face. Attach cheeks and nose
在一份 20克面团中裹入 10克巧克力卡仕达、封口收紧。面部稍微压扁。面部中间轻轻压下~放上脸颊和鼻子

– puncture the top left and right corner of the head and attach ears

– proof for 50 mins or till double in size
发酵 50分钟或至双倍大

– bake in centre rack of preheated oven of 180 degrees C for 12 mins
送入预热至 180摄氏度烤中层箱烤 12分钟

– Brush melted butter (not stated in recipe) on buns after you remove them from oven

– draw expressions using melted chocolate (not stated in recipe) after bread has cooled

chocolate custard bun

Happy Weekend peeps  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Pollution index: 218 (very unhealthy)


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