IMG_0802ingredients (7 inch round cake pan, greased & lined)

chef kojima rumi’s sponge cake
150g eggs
110g sugar
6g high maltose syrup
100g cake flour, sifted twice
26g butter
40g milk

sweet corn custard
85g hoon kueh flour
90g caster sugar
615g coconut cream
250g milk
425g cream style corn (1 can)
pinch of salt


鸡蛋 150克
糖 110克
水饴 6克
蛋糕粉 100克、过筛两次
黄油 26克
牛奶 40克

绿豆粉 85克
绵白糖 90克
浓椰浆 615克
牛奶 250克
甜玉米羹 425克(1罐)
盐 一搓


IMG_0758warm high maltose syrup over a pot of simmering water
cover with cling wrap to prevent water vapour from seeping in
at the same time, warm both milk and butter together over a pot of simmering water till butter has totally melted and mixture is 40 degrees C. maintain this temperature
同时,牛奶和黄油隔热水加热直到黄油溶化而其达到 40摄氏度。保持此温度

IMG_0760beat eggs slightly and add in sugar

IMG_0761tilt bowl and beat with low speed over a pot of simmering water, taking care not to beat till fluffy

IMG_0762once egg mixture reaches 40 degrees C, remove mixing bowl from simmering water
add in high maltose syrup
continue to beat over low speed till combined
蛋糊打至 40摄氏度后,将热水挪开。蛋糊加入水饴,继续以低速搅拌均匀

IMG_0764beat the above till it is 36 degrees C
将以上打至 36摄氏度

IMG_0765change to high speed and beat egg mixture in one direction

IMG_0767beat till mixture becomes thick and fluffy and ribbon stage
change to low speed and beat for another 2 mins to eliminate trapped bubbles

IMG_0768insert a toothpick into 1.2cm of the batter. it should be able to stand properly
scrap bowl down
将竹签插入面糊 1.2厘米深处。它应该可立起

IMG_0769add in sifted flour ALL at once

IMG_0770start folding beginning from 2 o’clock

IMG_0771cutting to 8 clock, and folding batter from bottom up (i couldn’t take picture of this)

IMG_0772fold quickly, for about 30-40 times till batter is no longer lumpy
快速翻拌约 30-40次直到面糊无颗粒

IMG_0773with help of spatula, drizzle in butter/milk from the side of the bowl

IMG_0774tilt bowl and fold for about 90-110x
容器侧着,将面糊翻拌 90-110次

IMG_0776final batter is shiny and slightly more flow-y

IMG_0777pour batter into pan, and drop it twice from a 10cm height
面糊倒入烤盘从 10厘米高处向桌面敲两下

IMG_0778bake in second lowest rack, 160 degrees preheated oven for about 45 mins
送入预热至 160摄氏度烤箱倒数第二层烤 45分钟

IMG_0779drop cake with pan from a height of 15cm to prevent shrinkage
invert immediately for 5 mins, then revert back up
slice cake into half and allow to cool
烤熟的蛋糕连盘从 15厘米高处往下抛以避免回缩
蛋糕立马倒扣 5分钟,然后翻转

IMG_0784meantime, prepare custard
mix coconut cream and milk together
whisk till smooth

IMG_0787place all ingredients into a saucepan and heat over low heat
stir constantly

after about 20 mins, mixture will thicken and bubble slightly
remove from heat and pour in corn
mix well and allow to cool slightly
约 20分钟后,面糊开始浓稠并产生细泡

IMG_0793in 7 inch round pan, put in one slice of sponge cake

IMG_0794pour in custard, tap pan lightly and level surface

IMG_0795top custard with the other slice of sponge cake
(cut side facing up)

IMG_0796pour custard to the brim of the pan
tap pan lightly once again, level well and allow it to cool slightly
chill for few hours before slicing and serving

Personal notes/温馨小贴士:

IMG_0797– the original sponge cake recipe bakes for 33-35 mins. as it did not state which rack to bake it on, i baked on second lowest rack, which explains why it took me 45 mins baking time
海绵蛋糕原食谱烘焙时间为 33-35分钟。因食谱没注明该用烤箱那层烘焙,我用了倒数第二层,所以烘焙时间较长

  • you will have extra custard from this recipe. chill the extra and enjoy as pudding

IMG_0757– this is high maltose syrup. if you do not have it, you can replace with honey or light corn syrup, but yes, it is said that substitution affects the texture. please refer to this post to purchase
这是我用的水饴(念 “yi”~和意思的“意”同音)。如没有,可用蜂蜜或玉米糖浆替代。不过,据说会影响蛋糕口感。购买链接可参考此博文

– i suggest using good coconut cream. i use Chaokoh 100% coconut cream. however, if you do not have it, you can replace with coconut milk in entirety
建议用好的浓椰浆。我用的是 Chaokoh 牌子 100% 纯浓椰浆。但要是木有,可以用椰浆完全替代

  • these are the hoon kueh flour and cream style corn i use~ easily available in supermarkets


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