(・・。)ゞ ….. that was my exact reaction when the husband requested for me to bake this for him…. “what? what birth?” after researching for a bit, i realised it was really…
what happens when you are tired but you are still itching to bake? this happens to me everyday… regardless of how much yoga i do or flip meself inside out,…
omg! (((\(@v@)/))) these are truly drop dead delicious buns!!! it’s the first time i make such buns because i had been a lazy baker… “chooo” lazy to fry the filling but…
sometimes when i stare at the tray of massive piping tips i have, i count, and realised i’d probably only used 3 or 4 of them… and best… the 3…
i was so excited when i found pandan leaves in an expat market… and so i bought the lot… like 20 (nothing to you eh, but eiiii… it’s a gem…
Recipe adapted from BitterSweetSpicy Ingredients 250g butter 100g castor sugar 1tsp vanilla paste 50g nestum 100g cornflour 200g plain flour whole almond (toasted) chocolate for coating almond nib for topping…
ok… i hv a confession… and the confession is that i’m actually a gluten free consumer o((*^▽^*))o.. when i say gluten free, i mean wheat free, gluten free. no reason.. and…
i cannot get enough of mochi~s… they are so delicious and easy to make…. Original recipe adapted from 第一次做麻薯 Ingredients Dough 15g flour 25g glutinous rice flour 25g rice flour…
haven’t made these for a while and they are badly missed in the house… Dough recipe by Yvonne C Ingredients (makes 9 x 60g buns) 210g bread flour 56g cake…
i double bake a lot ~ what does that mean? it means i bake twice a day… most of the time. i’m an early bird, so i wake up early…
nooooooooo.. these are not mooncakes.. just that (believe it or not).. i don’t have jelly moulds at home… so i reused and recycled my mooncake moulds ₍₍ ◟(∗ˊ꒵ˋ∗)◞ ₎₎) for…
you know how i enjoy painting on everything right? and when i feel like baking a swiss roll but am too lazy to paint, i just decorate it with melted…