一出炉就耗掉半粒~ 没有最好吃,只有更好吃 half a loaf gone the moment this made its way out of the oven ingredients (450g bread pan) 260g bread flour 205g warm water 3g instant dry yeast…
ingredients (450g loaf pan) 260g bread flour 20g rolled oats 72g egg white + full cream milk = 208g 10g condense milk 15g caster sugar 5g sea salt 3g instant…
ingredients (450g loaf pan) 250g bread flour 35g egg yolk 180g milk 3g instant dry yeast 20g sugar 8g milk powder 18g softened butter 3g sea salt 食材(450克烤盘) 面包粉 250克…
made this 5 years ago…. still one of the best toast i’d ever made 5年前初次试做 再战依然迷恋 ingredients (450g loaf pan) 250g bread flour 213g cold milk 5g sea salt 10g…
ingredients (450g loaf pan) poolish 40g bread flour 40g water 1g instant dry yeast main dough 210g bread flour 20g cocoa powder 10g milk powder 35g caster sugar 53g egg…
ingredients (450g loaf pan) 270g bread flour 55g egg 30g monk fruit sweetener/caster sugar 30g condensed milk 35g whipping cream 85g milk 25g dry milk powder 3g instant dry yeast…
another variation.. crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside this is seriously yummy!! 再来夺命软吐司。。变一变 哇噻! 外酥里嫩。。好吃到炸天 Ingredients killer toast (1 portion) cookie dough (polo layer) 20g butter, softened…
ingredients (450g loaf pan) 250g bread flour, sifted 40g mini marshmallow 25g egg 200g plain yogurt, unsweetened 3g instant dry yeast 3g sea salt 40g white chocolate, chopped 30g dried…
a lot of readers have been asking about my “disappearance”.. well, it has been a crazy time for me since july i have now relocated back to singapore and life…
ingredients (450g loaf pan, greased) 250g bread flour 10g cocoa powder 40g caster sugar 3g salt 3g instant dry yeast 165g water 25g egg 18g butter 食材(450克吐司模、抹油) 面包粉 250克 可可粉…
not an easy dough to handle.. calculate the percentage of hydration and you know what i mean 面团不是很好使~算一算含水量就知道哈 ingredients (makes a 450g loaf) poolish starter 50g bread flour 50g water…
ingredients 1 portion of killer toast recipe * please refer to personal notes filling 25g butter 40g gula melaka, chopped 10g coconut cream powder 35g egg 90g freshly grated coconut…