coconut butter cookiesRecipe adpated with modifications from Dodol & Mochi 


100 g cake flour – sifted once
10 g potato starch – sifted once
20 g coconut cream powder – sifted once
75 g unsalted butter – softened at room temperature
50 g powdered sugar – sifted once
¼ tsp vanilla extract
蛋糕粉 100克 ,过筛一次
片粟粉 10克,过筛一次
椰浆粉 20克 ,过筛一次
无盐黄油 75克、室温
糖粉 50克、过筛一次
香草精 1/4 小匙
coconut butter cookies
– Whisk (A) together thoroughly, then set aside for use later
将A 食材混和待用
– Place (B) into a medium-sized mixing bowl, then blend the ingredients together slightly with help from a rubber spatula. with an electric hand mixer, cream them up on high speed till pale and fluffy (i.e. buttercream-like consistency)
将 B 食材放入容器中,运用橡皮刮刀混和均匀。转换电动打蛋器以高速打直蓬松(有如奶油霜)
– With a rubber spatula or sturdy (wooden) spoon, gradually fold to mix the flour mixture into the creamed mixture, in two or three batches, till a dough has just formed – DON’T overwork the dough as you may risk getting tough cookies in the end
用刮刀或木勺将A分两次翻拌入打发了的 B至成团。不可过于翻拌否则做出来的曲奇会偏硬
– Wrap the dough up in plastic film, then let it chill and rest in the fridge for about 30 minute
面团用保鲜膜裹起冷藏 30分钟
– Remove the dough from the fridge. Then, scoop out 15 grams of dough for each cookie and roll it into a ball. Place the shaped cookie dough on parchment-lined baking sheet(s), leaving about 4 centimeters apart in between the cookies. The dough will spread during baking. Repeat till the dough is used up
– First, bake at 160°C for about 25 minutes. After that, turn off the oven and leave the cookies inside, with the oven door shut, for about 10 minute
– Remove the cookies from the oven, and transfer them to cooling rack(s) to let cool completely before serving and/or storing in airtight container(s)
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
coconut butter cookies
– i doubled the recipe to make a cocoa dough ~ instead of 100g cake flour, i used 90g cake flour, 10g extra dark cocoa powder
为了做可可面团,我做了原食谱双倍份量 ~ 可可面团将100克蛋糕粉以90克蛋糕粉,及10克黑可可粉替代
– dessicated coconut was used for my cookies
– i did not use electric mixer but mixed everything with hand power. The dough is very easy to work with
– after dough comes together, i rolled it out to a thickness of 0.6cm for each dough. both dough are then placed in the fridge for about 20 mins
– use desired cookie cutter to cut out your favourite cookies shapes or simply shape per original recipe
– my first batch were baked for 15 mins (i walked away from the kitchen) before i stuck my head to look and realised all my cookies have browned… 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。. my second batch was then baked at 12 mins
第一份曲奇因失误,走远了(嗨!)烤了15分钟。。。。晒黑了。。。 第二批烤了12分钟。。
– expressions are drawn with melted chocolate using toothpick
coconut butter cookies
the kitchen smell really good when these were baking…. of course, they taste wonderful (^~^)…. have a go at it
coconut butter cookies
Pollution index: 91 (good)


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