雛焼きフルーツpollution had been really bad these couple of weeks. when i spoke to a colleague who came over to Beijing for business trip, he told me he decided not to bring his new born over.. the air is just hazardous… been over 400 these days. what’s going on?

i’m really glad when the strong wind blew over the city last night and today.. if it’s like this everyday (except April!!! sandstorm!) will be perfect…

made these little bites with red bean paste. so easy and delicious… helped to use up the condense milk in the fridge… yippie!

Recipe adapted from 爱和自由


99g condensed milk
12g egg yolk
99g cake flour
2.5g baking powder

280g red bean paste

炼奶 99克
蛋黄 12克
蛋糕粉 99克
泡打粉 2.5克

豆沙馅 280克


  • add condensed milk to egg yolk, mix well. add in sifted flour and baking powder. blend well

  • chill and rest dough for 30 mins
    面团冷藏静置 30分钟

  • divide dough into 25g per portion. roll each portion into a disc and wrap in 35g red bean paste
    面团分割成 25克等份、擀成面皮,裹入 35克豆沙馅

  • shape chick body shape and mouth. please refer to above link for shaping method

  • bake in preheated oven of 170 degrees C for 20 mins
    送入预热至 170摄氏度烤箱烤 20分钟即可


Pollution index: 32 (good)


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