i guess these will be my final batch of mooncakes for this year… i started off with the traditional mooncakes, followed by the snowskin, and am closing the mid autumn bake with a swirly mooncake.. now this i like… and it taste the best when freshly baked from oven
Original dough recipe from Carol
Ingredients (makes 12)
Oil dough
200g all purpose flour
15g icing sugar
70g ghee or clarified butter
105g ice water
Oil pastry
160g cake flour
80g ghee or clarified butter
*add a couple of drops of any essence or flavouring as desired
filling (recipe and directions can be found here)
*i added a tbsp of black sesame with the sifted flour
Directions (step by step tutorial also available on Carol’s blog)
– prepare oil dough by mixing sugar with butter. sift flour into mixture and roughly knead the dough
– add in cold water and knead for 5-6 minutes until dough becomes soft and pilable. wrap bowl with cling wrap and allow dough to rest for 40 mins
– prepare oil pastry by rubbing butter into flour and mix well. add in essence/flavouring/colour as desired
– divide filling into 45g per portion, and oil dough and oil pastry into 6 equal portions (about 65g per oil dough and 40g per oil pastry)
– wrap oil pastry into oil dough and seal
– proceed to roll dough out into a long rectangular shape, and roll it up like swiss roll. allow to rest for 10 mins
– repeat the above process one more time, and cover dough with damp cloth. rest dough for 20 mins
– cut dough into half and ensure the cut side is facing down
– flatten dough and roll out into a flat disc. Wrap filling into dough and seal seams, seam side facing down
– bake in preheated oven of 170 degrees C for 25 mins or until the swirls becomes obvious
Personal notes:
– i used a combination of lard and shortening. i used them direct from the fridge and found the dough easier to handle
here’s wishing everyone a very happy mid-autum festival (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
Pollution index: sunny Singapore
Looks beautiful, but I bet it\’s complicated to make. One day, I would like to try making these. 🙂
Hiya… It\’s not complicated. After a while u get the hang of it…. It taste yum and worth the effort 🙂
Well done. 太厉害了! 中秋节快乐。 :)
Tks Joceline… And hope u hv a wonderful festival as well
Your mooncake look so pretty!
Tks Ann
Happy Belated Mid-Autumn ! This year I did not make flaky mooncake, can pass one to me?
Hope u had a good festival yourself Sonia… I will gladly give u more kakakkaa 🙂
I still have no courage to bake this flaky mooncake, even though I love it
you did such a great job!
It\’s really easy…. Do give it a go 🙂 tks
They look so flaky and beautiful!
Tks Angie
今年我没做这个月饼, 明年一定要做!
Hi Victoria,
You mentioned you use a combination of lard and shortening. Should I add into oil dough or oil pastry? Is there any difference to the texture? Is the skin suppose to turn out crispier? And will the skin soften after a day if we use all lard? Thanks!
Hi,this was a bake 2 years ago but if my memory didnt fail me, the combination of lard and shortening is in both oil dough and oil pastry. The result will be flakier than one made from butter. I dont remember it being soft next day but we do give it a slight toast if not eating it fresh
Hope this helps
Link to the filing recipe is broken 😞