i hardly make any savoury pastries at home, mainly because sweetness is a preferred taste… but this i had wanted to make for a while… just lazy to fry the filling, make the dough, wrap etc etc… (^_-)
Recipe adapted from Jane’s Corner
Water dough
240g plain flour
45g corn oil/veg oil
1 tbsp fine sugar
108ml water
Oil dough
120g low protein flour
85g shortening
3pcs boneless chicken tigh (cut into small pieces)
1 onion (diced)
1 cup mixed vegetables (peas and carrots)
1tbsp charsiew / oyster sauce
1tbsp hoisin sauce
1tsp sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
salt & pepper to taste
大葱1 粒(切丁)
青豆和红萝卜 1杯
叉烧酱/蚝油 1大匙
海鲜酱 1大匙
麻油和糖 各1小匙
– To prepare fillings, heat oil in pan, sauté onion for 2 mins. Add in chicken and stir fry till brown
事先准备馅料 ~ 热锅冷油,将葱粒炒香两分钟。加入鸡肉丁拌炒
– Add in some chicken stock or water, cook for another 2 mins. Add in mix veggie and seasoning, stir well. Simmer until gravy is slightly dry up
– Thicken it with 1tbsp of flour. Mix well
– Transfer to plate and allow to cool. Set aside for later use
– To prepare oil and water dough, separately using the same method bring together all ingredients for each dough, mix well and knead to form soft dough
Cover and let them rest for 30 minutes. Then divide and shape each dough into 20 equal portions (water dough 21g, oil dough 10-11g)
准备油皮和油心 ~ 油皮:将全部材料搓揉至光滑,休面30分钟。油心:将面粉级白油拌匀。(不要拌太久,不然会很黏)。将油皮和油心分割成20等份。(油皮约21克, 油心10-11克)
– Wrap water dough around oil dough. Roll it out into rectangle, then roll up from the short end, repeat this step again. shape into a ball and rest dough for 10 mins
– Roll it out into a circle and wrap with the filling. Pleat and pinch to seal. Egg wash with egg yolk and sprinkle with some sesame seeds on the top of shao bao before baking in preheated oven to 200C and bake for 20 minutes till golden brown
Personal notes/温馨小贴士:
– i halved the recipe and made 10 buns
– with the remaining egg yolk, i added half tsp of bamboo charcoal powder and wrote the “烧” character with a toothpick
剩余的蛋黄液,我筛入半小匙竹炭粉,用竹签写上了 “烧” 字
my house is smelling soooo good… i’d eat everything if i haven’t promised my guests these when they visit later… (C_C)… this one’s a keeper for sure
Pollution index: 152 (moderately polluted)
I never do it before. Book mark first. Ha Ha Ha!
Like it ~
你家的烧包很特别, 还有个烧字呢!
显示了这个才是真正的烧包了, 嘻嘻!
Hi Victoria,
This would be perfect for tea and breakfast! And for that snack in between! haha! Looks wonderful!
Hi Victoria
I think I have found a gem….. I mean your blog is a gem. You have wonderful recipes here. Would love to try out some of your recipe soon.
Love how you always add a personal touch to your bakes 🙂
I love this bun too but like you am too lazy to prepare this…which is a good thing, otherwise I would be eating too much!
Such a beautiful treat – I just love the elegance of it. Very impressive.
Victoria, I never try to make 烧包,you make me wanna try it,tks for the recipe sharing
and tks for you visit too,glad to meet you^^
Hi Victoria, may I know if I can substitute shortening with oil?
hello Chin Yan, yes you can, though my suggestion to you is to use butter if lard is a no no to you. you will not have a very nice crisp or 酥 effect using normal cooking oil. i hv made chinese pastries using lard, butter, pastry margarine and oil and can only say the one with lard comes out with best aroma and texture. hope this helps