not sure what’s wrong with me… suffering from “one of those weeks”… bad performance in gym, bad luck in baking.. just today i was baking a marble cake and the…
I cannot remember the last time i put every effort into making a nice loaf and things turned out totally disappointing.. oh you ugly little piggy… Pollution index: 152 (unhealthy)
I always look forward to Sundays, maybe because I would have “starved” to enjoy my brunch better. We had an unusal bunch today ~ hubby, me, Markus, Li Li (LC’s…
when I knew dad was going to be back in town this week, i was very excited because i know there is another “mouth” for me to feed. Beijing had…
Headed for our usual Sunday brunch @St. Regis with the guys ~ hubby, coach, and Winston the Garfield. As usual, Winston is full of ah-beng shit with his Singaporean humour ~ table…
My husband is a sucker for the HCP sold at the Parkway Parade foodcourt but unfortunately, they were closed for renovation during my July trip back home. realising how disappointed he was,…
I think i know how i like to take my baking forward ~ i’d always enjoyed baking for the kids and whenever i visit the bakeries in japan with my husband,…
i really hate using additional utensils in whatever i do ~ it is inevitable when you bake especially. why do i hate using additional utensils? mmmm.. i think it is…
i’d made the chocolate wassant bread so many times in the past 2 years i can dish one up whilst multi-tasking. that often! before the hubby returns home, i will…
Friday 13th… much as i expected Mr. Sod’s Law to be omnipresent today, he was nowhere in sight.. the flight was on schedule, impeccable service level in SQ as always,…
in my sister’s words “you just enjoy shaping everything into pigs”…. and yes, confession ~ i just enjoying shaping my bakes into little piggies.. don’t you just find them so…