pumpkin pull-apart bunsthis bake was a disaster.. (*・_・)ノ⌒* first, i was almost running out of bread flour so i had to use a mix of bread and APF….. and then the dough turned out too wet even after kneading for a long long and I seriously mean long time…. i had to add an additional 1.5 tbsp of flour to get it to a right consistency… AND THEN! i ran out of custard paste when painting the buns. by the time i painted 11 buns, i wasn’t really interested to make more paste because trust me, it was not easy to handle… i really don’t know why…. i wanted to paint different weather pictures…but guess i didn’t complete them… see the top row, second bun from the right… i wanted to paint 6 degrees C (which was the temperature when i made these buns)… and then, i ran out of custard ( ►_◄ )-c<*_*; ) well, failure! yikes… plus! i made a big mess out of the lounge (see, my kitchen’s really small so i have to do a lot in the lounge)… AND (yes)! that’s not the end of the story!!! i usually preheat my oven to an additional 30 degrees C on top of the required temperature… i.e. if i need to preheat oven to 170 degrees C, i will usually preheat it at 200 degrees and bring the temperature down after putting the baking tray in…. yes.. you guessed it… i forgot to turn the temperature down…. ┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→ so you can see, my buns are reallllly browned…. the only fortunate thing was i checked on my buns 10 mins into the baking time and “fasterly” tented the buns and corrected the temperature p(*^-^*)q….  PLUS PLUS!!!!! as i was composing this blog, i realised i omitted the milk powder! oh man…  am I cursed or am I  cursed?….. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Recipe adapted and translated from Karen’s Kitchen

pumpkin pull apart bunsIngredients (makes 16 30g-buns in an 8 inch square pan)

250g bread flour
80g pumpkin puree
50g egg
50g caster sugar
80ml milk
1tbsp milk powder
1/2 tsp salt
4g instant dry yeast
20g butter, softened

Custard Paste
25g instant custard powder
60g water
** mix instant custard powder into water. place into piping bag and set aside

pumpkin pull-apart buns– mix all dough ingredients together (except butter) and knead till it is pliable
– add in butter and knead till dough is no longer sticky and passes window pane test
– proof dough for an hour, or till it doubles in size
– punch dough down, and divide into 16 buns, weighing 30g per bun. rest dough for 10 mins
– shape dough into balls and place into greased 8 inch square pan. proceed with second proof for 50 mins
– after proofing, brush buns with egg wash, and pipe design onto buns
– bake in preheated oven of 170 degrees C for 20 mins (or until golden brown)

Personal notes:
pumpkin pull apart buns– as i inadvertently forgotten to bring the temperature down, i baked my buns for 10 mins in oven temperature of 200 degrees C, and a subsequent 5 mins at 170 degrees C (tented). the internal temperature of the buns recorded only 73 degrees but i decided not to bake further as the base of the buns had been lightly browned. the buns turned out totally fine inside (as you can see below)
– i was not able to get a paste with 25g custard powder, and 60g water…. i had to add a few more tsp of custard powder for the paste to coagulate to a painting consistency
pumpkin pull apart buns
nonetheless, the buns still turned out really soft ( ^◡^)
Pollution index: 25 (excellent)


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