Ingredients (makes six 100g mooncake) mooncake skin (recipe adapted from eileen の记事本) 112.5g flour 17.5g cocoa powder 85g golden syrup 25g peanut oil 1/2 tsp alkaline water homemade coffee custard (adapted…
when Kenneth posted his teochew traditional mooncake, i knew immediately i had to try his flaky pastry recipe on my tau sar piah (craving craving).. indeed, this pastry is so…
was tiding my cartons of mould and saw this “长命百岁” mould (literally translated meaning long life to hundred years) and i went.. oh.. when did i buy this.. well, i…
with mooncakes, i have always been confused with the technical terms like “ten head”, “eight head”.. etc.. what does it mean? and i finally figured out.. 10 head ~ 50g…
Ingredients Dough 15g flour 30g glutinous rice flour 30g rice flour 30g caster sugar 20g of 3-in-1 coffee powder dissolved into 135g warm milk 2 tbsp shortening/butter 2 tbsp condensed…
this steamed bun truly lives up to its name… SUPER smooth.. SUPER SOFT! highly recommended 这个馒头哈。。真是滑溜溜,又软绵绵。。强力推荐! ♡⑅⃝◌꒰ ˘̤ з꒰ ˃̶̤⌄˂̶̤ ` ू꒱◌⑅⃝♡ Recipe adapted & translated from 随心歇息站 Ingredients 250g…
Just when everyone was baking this, i was still (desperately) trying to check off my to-bake list… 就当“全世界”悬起一阵鸡蛋糕旋风时,我还挣扎于盘点手头上“水长流”般的烘焙目录。。。 (๑•́ ω •̀๑) Recipe adapted and translated from Copycake Kitchen Ingredients (makes…
Recipe adapted & translated from Butter . Flour & Me Ingredients *green fonts indicate my modifications Dough skin 150g glutinous rice flour * i used mochiko 20g corn starch 1…
what happens when you love the dough skin in one book but the filling in another? Says who we can’t have the best of both world? ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊ 呐呐呐!谁说鱼与熊掌不可兼得?…
but of course after making char siew, one of the “must-do” is the barbeque pork buns a.k.a. char siew bao .. the last time i made these was in…
when i was last back in singapore, guai shu shu was very kind to make me some pulut panggang that i so miss..and since my ah bu is here and i managed…
made this especially for my ah bu as she loves anything coconut.. ( ^ω^ ) 特地做给阿母吃滴。。阿母最爱椰子口味儿 Ingredients (makes 20 pcs) Crust 364g flour 224g soft butter 98g icing sugar…