a not-so-frequently-seen (yet must order) item on teahouse’ dim sum menu 一道不常在茶楼供应但一见必点的粤式点心 ingredients (grease & line 20 x 20cm square pan) cake 40g cake flour 1/4 tsp baking powder 2…
ingredients (makes about fourteen 30-32g buns) poolish dough (A) 100g all purpose flour 1g instant dry yeast 80g water starter dough (B) all of poolish dough (A) 145g water 7g…
happy birthday Singapore… U came a long way… I dedicate my blog to you 尊敬的祖国,五十年走来不宜。。至此向您敬礼 ingredients (makes about 8) A 30g butter 20g icing sugar, sifted B 100g cake flour…
Recipe adapted from Butter. Flour & Me Ingredients poolish dough 1/2 tsp instant dry yeast 1/2 tbsp soft brown sugar * i used coconut flower sugar 50g flour 40g water main…
recipe source/原食谱取自于: 飞雪无霜 ingredients (makes 9) 60g mung bean powder 80g cake flour 45g coconut oil 35g sugar finishing sesame oil 食材(可做 9个) 绿豆粉 60克 蛋糕粉 80克 椰子油 45克 白糖…
i really love those malay curry puffs that i used to buy from the school canteen.. it was.. 20? 30 cents? what a thing of the past.. this recipe was…
ingredients (makes 8) 350g cake flour (or pau flour) 35g caster sugar 210g milk 5g instant dry yeast 5g butter 食材(可做 8个) 蛋糕粉(或包粉)350克 绵白糖 35克 牛奶 210克 即溶干酵母 5克 黄油…
recipe adapted from here with changes noted in personal notes below 食谱请参考此链接并注意以下温馨小贴士 Personal notes/温馨小贴士: – i halved the recipe and made 13 mini tarts (diameter 5.5cm) 这次做了半份食谱,做了 13个迷你蛋挞仔 (模子直径为 5.5厘米)…
Original recipe adapted with modifications/根据原食谱另做调整: Echo’s Kitchen Ingredients (makes a 6 inch square pan cake ~ or feel free to use your desired pan) A 130g custard powder 150g sugar…
Recipe adapted from Anncoo Journal Ingredients (makes a 7 inch square pudding) 250g coconut milk 500 ml water 1 packet (12g * mines is 10g) agar agar powder 120 sugar * i used 100g…
ingredients (makes about 10) dough 75g shiratamako (feel free to use glutinous rice flour but please reduce water accordingly) 75g water black sesame filling recipe source adapted with modifications/黑芝麻馅原食谱: 蚊子的天空 50g…
Ingredients (makes 8 paws) dough 200g bread flour 50g cake flour 3.5g instant dry yeast 160g water (humidity in my kitchen is 30%. if your kitchen has a higher humidity,…