ingredients (makes 9) dough 200g bread flour 20g sugar 4g salt 20g butter 4g instant dry yeast 10g egg 95ml milk (+/- 10ml) 30ml water 100g butter kit kat, 9…
ingredients 250g taro (net weight), cubed 80g rice flour 5g wheat starch (a.k.a. dim sum flour) 7 small chinese mushrooms, soaked till soft and diced (do not throw the water…
i managed to order some yam and was over the moon.. yes… well, you never know what you have till you “don’t have them” yam… is not seen in beijing…..
ingredients (makes 12) 1 large potato 12 prawns salt & pepper, as appropriate cake/all purpose flour, as appropriate 1 egg homemade bread crumb, as appropriate desiccated coconut, as appropriate (optional)…
UPDATE (may 2020): i’d recently made this using a shorter processing time ~ hop over to my instagram to check out the video 更新(05.2020):最近又做了~缩短了制作时间~如有兴趣可参考我的 IG视频 what beats freshly homemade cruller…
i’d seen this going on and on in china but decided to get down to this after a friend told me just how unbelievably delicious it was… ok.. i took…
crisp on the outside, rich and nutty on the inside 外脆内香。。不得不试的好蛋糕! ingredients ( 8 inch square pan, greased & lined) 240g butter 60g cream cheese 180g sugar 155g egg yolk…
i’m highly recommending this because.. oh boy… does it taste like the KG brand! well done on this Phay Shing! 为啥强推这食谱?这饼干还真是勾起儿时的回忆~儿时那康 X 品牌饼干的口味儿.. Phay Shing, 给你三十二个赞! recipe adapted with modifications/食谱经调整取自于:…
ingredients (makes twelve L 5.5 x W 2.0 x H 1.5cm candies) 200g high maltose syrup 50g caster sugar 30g water 20g egg white 20g hokkaido skim milk powder 20g…
ingredients (makes about 48 cookies) 150g butter 110g sugar 1 large egg 1 tsp vanilla paste 200g cake flour 1.5 tsp baking powder 25g horlicks 20g desiccated coconut 70g rice…
seem familiar? yes i cannot get enough of this.. so i incorporated an super ripe banana into this recipe 似曾相识? 是咯。。人家就是喜欢这款蛋糕。。这回在这食谱加入了一条超熟滴香蕉! ingredients (6 inch cake pan with removable base, no…
what about making one of tze char’s favourite ~ kyoto pork ribs for reunion dinner? 在愁团圆饭吃啥?要不给家人做个煮炒必点菜肴~ 京都排骨骨骨(回音) recipe adapted with modifications from/食谱经调整取自于: ieatishootipost ingredients (A) 610g pork chops 1/2 tbsp…